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 What is the Sole Core of Success? (9)

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Micmacmoc(2260) pic

What is the Sole Core of Success?

Intelligence? Appearance? Family background? Etc.

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3 points

In America, how rich your parents were...


Uspwns101(444) Disputed
2 points

Thats not true, just because the majority of Americans stay within a class of their parents doesn't mean that that is the sole core. In fact I would say that the majority of Americans don't work hard enough to be upper class, or their not intelligent enough etc.

casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

There is only a limited number of people that can be rich.

If there are 100 people which comprise a country and they all owned around 1% of the wealth in a country, then none of them are rich. If there are 11 intelligent hard working people, well 5 or 6 might collectively own 70% of the wealth, making the other 6 or 5 to divide up the remaining less than 30%. They might be able to take away some of the 70%, but it is unlikely if they are equal in all ways but wealth to them.

It depends on how one defines "success". If one is to see success merely in financial terms, then one would have to be utterly myopic. My personal belief is that to be successful, one has to have passion for what one does. Without passion as the motivating factor, it is unlikely that one will "succeed" in their line of work, lucrative or otherwise.

Intellect is merely a bonus. One's intellectual abilities can be improved or honed if one puts in the hardwork and hours. But, in order to be successful, one still needs to have sufficient passion for the subject(s) he/she is studying.

1 point

You're right, I define success as achieving happiness, wealth is just one way to pursue that.

2 points

One trait can't decide the sole core of success. There's a threshold to how far it can go: like an IQ stops mattering at 120. A doctor with a 130 IQ and a doctor with a 125 IQ both have the same chance to be successful in their occupation because after a certain amount it doesn't matter anymore. Likewise charm and beauty and familial relations can only get you so far before they begin to stop mattering. Even passion has it's limits when it comes to success: I can love what I want to do, and I can slave over it, but if I lack the basic knowledge or talent or whatever than I won't succeed.

There can be no sole core of success.

1 point

Depending on what country you are in, it could be a whole variety of things.

However, true success is achieved through hard work, and if you have the capacity to work hard, then success is surely just around the corner.

1 point

Determination and hard work and preparation. Then if you meet opportunity then you will be ready.