
Debate Info

Debate Score:14
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wardogninja(1790) pic

What is the most repeated debate topic?

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2 points

Since I've been here I've seen quite a lot of debates about the Zimmerman trial.

True, there are a lot of repeat debates when a big news story breaks. I remember as soon as the verdict was out, there were three debates up already, and one of the guys was furious that he was not the only one who has posted about it.

2 points

About what is the most repeated debate topic.

Does God exist?

I would say that it is the whole Theist vs Atheist argument, which i see as a kinda pointless debate since neither side gains any ground against the other.

1 point


That does come up a lot, though i would say it is one of the more interesting debates to watch because there are stronger arguments than the more subjective topics that are repeated.

1 point

Your welcome dude. _

Wait for it.

Never mind, the admins ruined my bit.

And I can't delete this post.

If anyone can guess what my bit was, they win a cigar.

Top three IMO.



Homosexuals and their rights.