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 What requirements would qualify someone for the title of debate master? (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What requirements would qualify someone for the title of debate master?

There must be some set of requirements that are:
1.  Consice
2.  Unambiguous
3.  testable

Then we can apply the test for each requirement to an individual in order to determine if that inidividual is a debate master.

What are those requirements and (more importantly) what are the tests?


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Maybe a master debater is someone who:

1. Takes debates seriously

2. Doesn't go off on tangents

Once we determine how to identify the master debator, we should be able to identify his/her opposite. We'll need a title for that too.

The opposite of deactivate is activate. Thus, we can generate our title by removing the "de" prefix from debator.

Now we have our titles, master debator and masterbater. Masterbater sounds right since the opposite of a master debator is someone who jerks everyone around.

OK, so to recap, I didn't take this debate seriously, I went of on a tangent and... wait... damn it! Now I have to clean up this mess. BRB ;)

Bettyjoe(402) Disputed
3 points

Where do you come up with this crap? Do you just dream it up?

Why do you take what seems like an otherwise normal debate and twist around to something so twisted? Is this what you shoot for?

Side: another stupid debate

I do dream it up and I do it to mess with people's brains.

I wish those were brains and I could mess with them. Then I really would be shooting for something ;)

Side: another stupid debate
1 point

Definitely. You can usually tell a JC debate just by the title. Although, silaswash has been making inroads into JC's lame debate territory.

Side: another stupid debate
joennie(63) Disputed
1 point

This argument is like a roller coaster ride. You are lulled into a peaceful trance by the click, click, click of the ascent only to be thrown into the abyss of confusion and disorientation caused by the twists and turns of your argument. Even so, like your other arguments, which are like train wrecks, you can't help but stop and stare in amazement; unable to look away.

Side: another stupid debate

Here's what the urban dicitionary has to say about master debators.

Side: another stupid debate
1 point

I believe that a Master Debater is quite different than a Debate Master. In my mind it says that a Master debater has all the ingredients of such whereas the Debate master may simply be a person who is in charge of debates.

Side: another stupid debate

Oh yeah! Well. either way, I am not either one. So there! ..... wait .....

Side: another stupid debate

Maybe we can determine who the master debater is by seeing who has the most amount of points on CD.... wait.... that can't be right ;)

Side: another stupid debate
1 point

I'd say it mostly depends on other people's opinion of them because if they always contradict and oppose you, you wouldn't say they're a great debater. modesty is one good trait though

Side: another stupid debate
1 point

only one thing i think is needed to decide if someone is debate master and that is what mental level the person stands .is that person strong enough with his ideas..if he is then he'll stand by what he says in all circumstances and would persuade others to the best possible extent that what he says is correct

Side: another stupid debate