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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

What rich famous person to you today is wasting their money the most?

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2 points

Snoop Dog. I can get him the best weed at much cheaper prices.

Nobody because they should be able to spend their money as they see fit. It is no right of me to accuse of them of wasting money, it is theirs and their to dispose.

Side: Nobody

George Soros ; )

Side: Nobody
1 point

There is a grave injustice in the world when someone may own a diamond studded convertible and a multi-million dollar doghouse in the backyard while others could only hope to own a loaf of bread. Any decent person should be appalled by such a reality.

Side: Nobody

Being "rich" and being "wasteful" kinda counter-act eachother in descibing someone. i might disagree with how there choose to budget, but if they still manage to stay rich, then they arent really wasting their money, are they.

Side: Nobody
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Being "rich" and being "wasteful" kinda counter-act eachother in descibing someone. i might disagree with how there choose to budget, but if they still manage to stay rich, then they arent really wasting their money, are they.

This largely depends on how they got rich in the first place. I think the entertainment industry has a lot of examples of the rich squandering their wealth.

Side: Nobody
1 point

for eg.

mukesh ambani ,who has a house worth 2 billion dollars,27stories,3 helicopter landing pads,...................................................................................a long list.

even though he is the 5th richest person in the world it doesnt mean that he should waste his entire wealth like this.

Side: Most of them
0 points

Waste is defined as "1. To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly."

How much is too much? I'm going to use Charlie Sheen as my example of waste. How much cocaine does one need? How many hookers does one need? How much does one need to drink? No money wasted here.

Side: Most of them