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 What the hell happened?!?!?! (18)

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supremepizza(1425) pic

What the hell happened?!?!?!

I have been offline for four days, FOUR DAYS, and already I am seeing that there are massive fights going down, people are leaving, and apparently bullying? I also saw that  Saurbaby is most likely leaving? Fuck all of you. She is one of the greatest people on this site and a few of you managed to fucking make her want to leave. Un-fucking-believable! I hope those few of you (you know who you are) realise that you just fucked it up for all of us. What a fucking joke...

Sorry for all the swearing, but fuck...

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It's all your fault. We needed a stabilizing force in our lives and you just weren't there to stop the madenness ;)

I bet you're having even more fun than usual .

Not really. Saurbaby and I had a collaborative plan for a debate and now I don't think it'll happen. Silas left and we were allies.. It seqems like other good people are leaving as well.

I am not into drama. I prefer comedy and this ain't funny. But..., I make the best of things. This has happened before. The dust will clear and everything will go back to normal.

1 point

it does stink that people do that, it happens on these kinds of sites from time to time. I think that some people dont know how to handle themselves and at times this results in a cascade and comes to a point in which respectful people get disrespected without warrant. it is too bad. I was not a participant in the storm, learned about it after the fact like you, the best thing you can do is try to pursuade the people who want to leave to stay and that they should avoid the unwanted individuals. Using the force of democracy can get the undesireable people kicked off the site. fight for this outcome rather than having the good people leave.

Somebody just needs to relax.---------------------------------

Damn... I'm gone from createdebate and I come back to find it gone crazy O.o

OK..., we'll blame you. We need a scape goat. Wanna be our sacrificial lamb? ;)

Sure :P Why the hell not. I'm used to taking flak for people XD

1 point

Lol, I was just joking hon. My farewell debate was made just to be ironic. :)

I"m not done with this site yet :)

Aw good, that makes me happy inside :P

1 point

Lol that's sweet ;)