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 What was God's motive? (15)

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ChuckHades(3179) pic

What was God's motive?

Whilst this isn't a full blown argument against the existence of God, it is a slight quibble I have with his traits and persona. Why did an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being create the universe, the Earth, and a race of imperfect sinners? He can't have done it to gain power (omnipotence) or knowledge (omniscience). It should be pointed out that "God doesn't exist" is irrelevant here. For debate's sake, let's assume he does. 

Oh, and I am referring to the Judeo-Christian God here.

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"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." - Prof. Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Well, that's enough said I think. And the God in the New Testament is exactly the same one as described above, except in a pretty dress.

ReventonRage(601) Clarified
2 points

Down-voted without an argument again. Very mature. To the person who down-votes others without a reply, grow a pair and rebut.

Kiith(22) Disputed
1 point

That quote by Dawkins always cracks me up. It shows he knows nothing about YHWH, ancient Jewish culture, or Christianity.

There's a book that came out last year I just read a couple of days ago called "Is God a Moral Monster?" You should give it a read, it's very good and uses all the latest historical and linguistic data.

I believe the debate question should be "What was the human motive to make up a God that created everything?"

Answer; Money. Money, money, money, oppression, money, money, oppression.

2 points

It is quite obvious that he is an egotistic, self-righteous, arrogant, sadistic, malevolent, cruel, perverted, pompous piece of child killing...


I hope the premise of this question is false otherwise I am definitely going to hell for saying that. But at least I'll have 5 billion others going there with me.

1 point

He's obviously a bored sadist with an ego problem.................................................

I can imagine that if I were in his position, I'd simply do it because I was bored. I mean, if you know everything, all academic knowledge, all potential circumstances, everything, the most fun you could have would be creating some little ignorant self destructive and irrational life forms, and watching the conflicts and beauty that arise. Would be great fun

1 point

Even God needs a hobby you know. What else is He supposed to do all day? We may not even be the only ones; he could have created parallel universes and is more interested in them than us... which would explain why He hasn't killed me yet...

1 point

"Because God wanted some glory." Thats one of the arguments I've heard. makes no sense, but if you put it on a pile of a thousand nonsensical claims, no one will notice.


1 point

Why did we make machines and entertainment?

Clearly we're there to both service him and entertain him.

I do my part by masturbating every god damn day shortly after smoking a bowl.

1 point

The only model that ever made sense to me was a id with an ant farm and possibly a magnifying glass.

He's obviously a spirit with a sense of humor. Probably a lot like Joe_Cavalry. I can see joe creating those things just so he can joke around with them ;)

1 point

One fringe notion in my mind (I say notion because I've never given it much thought and have absolutely no evidence to back it up) is that maybe when the angels that followed Lucifer were cast down they were given a chance to redeem themselves? Maybe their actions made it impossible to exist in heaven due to their (our?) sin

1 point

Well, Judeo-Christian God speaking, there is no rational reason. If we are talking about a collective consciousness, it is about an expanding knowledge, to learn, there is trial and err and for every positive there must be a negative, else there is no poliarity. I believe it is possible that we are all parts of God, collectively creating for two reasons, relativity and knowledge. Just a possibility.

1 point

God clearly does nothing out of necessity, so that can't be a motivation. In my mind I can think of two reasons God would do anything (including creating the universe). Either it was a sheer act of free will with no real motive behind it, or it was a sheer act of free will with the purpose of sharing His love with His creation and bringing Himself more glory in the process.

I think those are both acceptable reasons. We do things all the time out of desire and not necessity simply because they bring us joy, so it seems to me God is certainly capable of the same thing.