
Debate Info

Legalised rape Age of majority at 30
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Legalised rape (4)
 Age of majority at 30 (8)

Debate Creator

Hitler(2364) pic

What would you rather?

Legalised rape

Side Score: 5

Age of majority at 30

Side Score: 9
2 points

We could say they had it cumming.

Side: Legalised rape
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

That's fucking outrageous kill yourself for having that view! You should be thrown to the lions.

Side: Age of majority at 30
1 point

Only if they'll rape me. xoxo

Side: Age of majority at 30

That was funny. LOL. ;)

Side: Legalised rape

Rape is already legal in some countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan where victims are murdered, jailed, beaten, or forced to marry their rapist, but I could never support such evil, so adulthood at 30 it is.

Side: Age of majority at 30
1 point

I'm a virgin boy for life! xoxo

Side: Age of majority at 30

I am guessing you mean age of maturity?

Either way, legalising rape would probably be end of civilization, so ..

Side: Age of majority at 30
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Just leave cash on the curb afterwards and the economy will be booming.

Side: Legalised rape
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

No, I meant the age of majority.

Side: Legalised rape
1 point

Can i then ask what age of majority means. ?

Side: Age of majority at 30

Rape is already legal in some countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan where victims are murdered, jailed, beaten, or forced to marry their rapist, but I could never support such evil, so adulthood at 30 it is.

Side: Age of majority at 30
1 point

the age of majority should be 19 but its better to have it at 30 then to allow rape to happen.

Side: Age of majority at 30