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 Whats your greatest fear? (15)

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feelingtruth(2776) pic

Whats your greatest fear?

Had to remake this since my connection bugged out and posted like 20 arguments LOL

Anyways, we all have them, what is your greatest fear? 

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2 points

Losing my mum.

My aunt died a while back, and it hurt my entire family really bad. Now I can't seem to stop randomly thinking of how it would be if my mum died. All I can say is that I probably wouldn't be able to live life normally again. I love her so frickin' much that the thought of losing her scares me. Without her I don't even know how I could possibly go on. I just wouldn't be able to. That's my fear.

im gonna be honest, i dont know how to relate to losing loved ones, but i hope your mom stays well, is she in decent condition?

I cant imagine losing your parents when you are in such a good relationship with them, that would be terrible, i sincerely hope that if you do lose one of your family members that you find the strength to keep trucking along

My mum is in perfect health. So was my aunt, she just got really sick suddenly. I just don't want something like that happening, an accident, a sudden illness, etc. As of right now though, she's fine. :) Thank you anyway.

That God does NOT have any sense of humor. If that's the case..., and I have to rely on CD members to put in a good word for me..., I'm screwed ;)

My greatest fear is fear itself. Fear freaks people out. If you fear fear, than you are able to do anything you want to do

feelingtruth(2776) Clarified
1 point

i think you meant to say if you dont fear fear? lol, and yes i agree, there is nothing to fear but fear itself

1 point

My greatest fear would have to be dying alone, for I am mortal and I wish to live. I don't wish to live forever though in this world.

For any person to say they don't fear death would be a lie to humanity and to themselves. I'm not saying one must live in fear of dying, but one must realize their place in this world and that one day it will end then live life and enjoy it while it lasts. So really, I'm more afraid of dying alone and leaving this world behind alone, than I am afraid of death itself.

Not doing the mission I was sent here to do and not being missed when I die.

The fear of losing my mind to Alzheimer's. I do not now how I could cope with it.

My greatest fear is that the judeo christian god is real, because if he does exist, that makes me the literal embodiment of the devil, the antichrist, or false prophet

Which i have come to grips with that if i go to hell and burn and suffer for eternity, and this is probably due to mental illness but if i AM the embodiment of the devil (notice the IF) and there must be some type of balance in life, then i would gladly be thrown in the lake of fire to pay for everyones sins in the afterlife

But, i have conquered my fear, and while it will always stick with me, i tend not to think of it much anymore and have accepted fully that i am probably going to hell if the judeo christian god exists, and if its my fate, then so be it.

No offense christians, i dont mean to judge your god who is justice itself, but i just cant live with or worship a god like the one depicted in the bible

This is my greatest fear, that i play into prophecy somehow, not to deem myself as a really important person, its just that my beliefs and my experiences in life have led me to this conclusion, but, like i said, i tend not to think about it much, i mean i only came to grips with this about a year ago...

feelingtruth(2776) Clarified
1 point

Oh, and before any of you tell me (which you almost all have in the past) That i need professional help, what are they gonna do? tell me im insane and not listen to my story drug me down with pills and throw me in an asylum? Ya, no thanks, somehow i was gifted with a lot of resilience and the capacity to handle immense amounts of insanity without going insane, which is exactly how i plan to help people in life, so ya... dont tell me i need help, i can tell if i become a threat to society, and if that day ever comes (which it wont, unless someone else deems me as a threat) somehow, ill be fine ^_^

ricedaragh(2494) Disputed
1 point

Really .