
Debate Info

Adult Youth
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Adult (6)
 Youth (3)

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Nautilus(629) pic

When are the best years of your life

World you rather have the ability to do what you want but the responsibilities preventing you doing so. Or would you rather be young again and have all the freedom in the world without the ability to do a lot of what you want.


Make you case, is it better to be younger or older?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
2 points

30's! Still young enough but also smart enough and income is enough to enjoy most of what you want.

Side: adult
2 points

Absolutely!!! The best moment is 30's, young but cleverer than teens and more money for sure. But also a more attactive person, more interesting.

Side: adult
1 point

Young adult - old enough to have some sense and be taken seriously, but also young enough to fully enjoy life and have a lot to look forward to.

Side: adult
1 point

I think that young adult is the best. You can have some money of your own to purchase stuff you like and you can live life to the fullest when you are a young adult.

Side: adult
1 point

depends on the life youve had. I say anywhere between 25 and 40

Side: adult
1 point

My 40's without a doubt. Self discovery and married my soul mate. Like fine wine life gets better with time. ~)

Side: adult
1 point

I can't really argue this because I'm only seventeen.

But I think it depends. Because there are some kids with freedom and parents who give them everthing then there are strict parents.

Same for adults. Some of successful and some aren't.

Side: Youth
1 point

present years in which you are living are the best years.........who know will we stay tomorrow or live your whole life in present.....

Side: Youth

When you are five years old would be the best years of your life because you believe in Santa Claus and you are shielded from the ugliness of the real world.

Side: Youth