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 When should somebody get the death penalty? (9)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

When should somebody get the death penalty?

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2 points

The death penalty fulfills societies need for revenge and does not serve to execute justice. The other countries of the world that have the death penalty are Sudan, Iran, China, Burma amongst other similar associates. Are these really the nations we want to stand with? The death penalty is a long outdated and barbaric system that needs to be done away with. Also, I'd say that life imprisonment is much worse, in actuality, and it's 8x cheaper as well. ;]

Side: never
1 point

If you kill, a child, another human or a puppy you should get the death penalty. If in the course of a crime (Robbery, B&E;, etc.) you kill a child, another human or a puppy you should get the death penalty. If you harm a child in any unnatural way you should get the death penalty.

Side: never
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

A puppy? I don't know if you are joking. I've heard some people who actually believe that.

you kill a child, another human, or...*

So, what - a child isn't a human?

Side: never

They should be at death penalty as soon as possible. It is expensive to keep a criminal or someone inside his/her cell. They have to pay for the food given to the person, the paycheck for the guards, etc. So sorry for those people dieing out there!

Side: ASAP
Saffron(94) Disputed
1 point

Actually, your statement is utterly false. It is many more times expensive to execute someone than to house them for the rest of their lives. This is due to the arduous legal process and numerous appeals any death row inmate is entitled to.

Each appeal can cost upwards of $275, an example, the execution of Ted Bundy in Florida costed nearly $5 million.

In actuality, and I dare you to present evidence that states otherwise, an execution can cost anywhere from five to ten times as much as life imprisonment.

Side: never
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

It won't cost so much if you kill 'em and be done with it. Why bother with appeal after appeal after appeal?

Side: never

Pretty much as soon as they are found guilty. Just walk them over to the chair and throw the switch ;)

Side: never