
Debate Info

Conversation Reading Books
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 Conversation (12)
 Reading Books (12)

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atypican(4873) pic

Which is a better intellectual exercise

I see a difference in that with one you are a participant, and with the other, you are what, for this argument I will refer to as, merely an ideological consumer. I think this same principle has informed my aversion to sitting and listening to lectures. I just don't regard anyone highly enough that I am willing to sit there and passively listen to them run at the mouth.


Side Score: 14

Reading Books

Side Score: 12
2 points

The ability to give feedback is important when engaging in an intellectual exercise.

Books have their benefits, however at some point, one must apply that which they have read.

Side: Conversation
Aizhamal(13) Disputed
1 point

I don't agree with you at all. You say that it is much more important to give feedback. But do not you think that in order to give feedback you are to know something about this issue and only then give a feedback. So as you see, as you can conclude it from my point of view, it is more more important to read books than having conversations.

Side: Reading Books
1 point

I agree with your point of view, reading books is first-priority thing than conversation

Side: Reading Books
Alish18(29) Disputed
1 point

but there is a possibility that while you reading books you become very shy person who cannot express his thoughts in words, right?

i'm not arguing that people shouldn't read books at all, but practice conversation is the best way to improve your speech!

Side: Conversation

Conversation before the age of radio, tv, computers, cell phones, etc. was way better. Conversation had depth, today it lacks any. Technology brought answers, the questions are no longer asked. Is the earth round? Do we revolve around the sun? Is the universe expanding? Yes; What's left to talk about?

Side: Conversation
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Conversation before the age of radio, tv, computers, cell phones, etc. was way better. Conversation had depth, today it lacks any. Technology brought

Just how old are you?

answers, the questions are no longer asked. Is the earth round? Do we revolve around the sun? Is the universe expanding? Yes; What's left to talk about?

When is the last time you had a conversation? The Earth is technically not round by the way, plus there are many more things to talk about other than questions that have already been answered.

Side: Neither
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Let me guess the earth is square?

Age doesn't have as much to do with being naive enough to believe that technology doesn't make people lazy and therefore think less.

“ The path of least resistance makes crooked rivers and also crooked men.” William Danforth

Apply this to using a calculator to do math, instead of a pencil and paper. Which takes the most thought? Which takes little thought?

As far as when was the last time I had a conversation, 10 minutes ago. When was the last time I engaged in a good conversation, the last time there was a power outage.

Side: Conversation
1 point

at the same time I cannot be so categorical towards conversations. in some cases, conversation is the best way to practice getting knowledge, so i have to say that this stage of people's development is very important, as well.

Side: Conversation
1 point

agree with u! converstaion will help to build your speech, you will feel more confident when you have an every day conversation full of useful information!

However, books are need to meet with other people's thoughts, and use it in a proper way..

Side: Conversation

Reading Books without question.------------------------------

Side: Reading Books
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Your choice of words, particularly the phrase "without question" is quite telling.

Side: Conversation
1 point

exactly what i'm thinking about

ther is no doubt that conversation is more beneficial.

Side: Conversation

There is no doubt that reading books is the most effective learning exercise.

Read, Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market by Murray Rothbard.

Side: Reading Books
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

Oh there's doubt, just apparently not in your mind. Why should I go to the trouble of reading that entire book when it's major points, like with most books, could be summed up in a few paragraphs?

BTW I will concede that reading books is currently the most effective learning exercise. However, most effective doesn't necessarily mean better.

What do you think of how writing compares to reading as far as being intellectually strenuous?

Side: Conversation
1 point

What do you think of how writing compares to reading as far as being intellectually strenuous?

Reading is fundamental to all intellectual learning.

How can you write before you read? Did you read before you talk? Did you run before you walk?

Side: Reading Books
1 point

I fully agree with you and i also think that reading is the best activity. By Reading books we enrich our vocabulary, imagination, critical thinking, which are very important skills nowadays.

Side: Reading Books
1 point

i guess reading books is more effective way to get knowledge, because there are facts, evidences, tables and other useful things... so we become more developed and educated with the help of reading

Side: Reading Books
Alish18(29) Disputed
1 point

I wonder how ancient people could get knowledge without book??

it is obvious that they progressed by having conversation and they wrote their thoughts in books right?

even nowadays scientists think before saying and after having a theory they write it on the paper

at any case converstaion is more beneficial!

do u agree with me??

Side: Conversation
kCathy(51) Disputed
1 point

of course, conversation is essential part of human development, but who wants to get knowledge from person who is not able to speak, think, reason rightly. as you said, ancient people got useful information without books, but they had certain knowledge in certain sphere due to rock paintings and hieroglyph. it is also a sort of books, source of information.

Side: Reading Books
1 point

During the ancient times, from where I coming from. There were not a lot of books and only the noble people got to see and read them. However there were a lot of smart and practical people. Nowadays, of course a person have to read the books to develop intellectually. However, we should not forget about the conversation as well. The best practice is combination of reading of books and conversation. For instance, you have read an interesting book and you are so excited about it. You should find a friend who loves reading books too, and share your thoughts and opinion with him(her)

Side: Reading Books