
Debate Info

Normal soda Diet soda
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Normal soda (4)
 Diet soda (2)

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token_nigga(100) pic

Which is better, Normal soda or Diet soda

Normal soda

Side Score: 5

Diet soda

Side Score: 2
2 points

Normal soda tastes WAY better than that crap. It's not even more healthy for you. It has more crap in it just less sugar.

Side: Normal soda
1 point

normal soda is waaay better...the taste, the acid in it, pure yummyyyyy!

Side: Normal soda
1 point

I have to agree with that because American Diet is disgusting

Side: Normal soda
1 point

Normal soda. Aspartame is EVIL! Honestly, an extra 40g of sugar a day is better than some foreign brain-eating lab-sugars in my book.

Side: Normal soda

Diet Soda only because of the lack of sugar, the taste is not that much different.

Side: Diet soda

The reason I like Diet Soda is because of no calories in which I don't have to worry about gaining any weight from it.

Side: Diet soda