
Debate Info

360 PS3
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:27
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 360 (5)
 PS3 (5)

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Which is better? Xbox360 or PS3

Possibly one of the dumbest arguments ever, though I want to know all of your opinions and why


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 8
2 points

The xbox has better games, more people online, better online play and way better prices, PS3 breaks about £100-£120/$200/$240 to fix it, xbox breaks about £50-£60/$100/$120 not to mention the games are cheaper and better, at any rate xbox has sold way more than PS3 that goes to show how much better it is.

Side: Worse with Islamofacists
2 points

Think of all the games the 360 has that the PS3 doesn't. Think of the bonus things it comes with; Arcade, Live, Millions of other online gamers, free promos, free music stations. The possibilities are endless. The PS3 was just their way of an argument product to the 360 because the PS2 was losing money.

Side: Worse with Islamofacists
Famo(15) Disputed
1 point

Ps3 also has tons of bonuses. Does Xbox 360 have a Blue-ray? NO Does it have Region coded games? YES. The reason the Ps3 games cost more is because it is a blue-ray meaning it has a lot better graphics. It also has a awesome PS1 and PS2 titles for long time fans. Ohh ya and no internet costs! :)

Side: PS3
1 point

The Xbox is clearly the better system for GAMING. I would say ps3 if i was interested in blue ray. But the Xbox has HD- DVD.

Side: Worse with Islamofacists
0 points

I have both consoles and by far the Play Station 3 has better graphics but the Xbox 360 has better controllers that make it feel like your really holding something, and Microsoft pays to get the games faster, plus the Xbox has exclusive games like Halo 1,2,3 and the L4D1 AND 2.You don't have to pay for the ps3's internet, but you pay for the Xbox's internet because they update it every day.

Side: Worse with Islamofacists
0 points

I think PS3, free internet, better looking visuals, plays blu-ray movies and dvds, has some really good exclusive games, some nice old games from PS1, extremely accurate move controller, eye toy, good downloadable titles (and came out with a slim console first ;P). Though Xbox360 may be able to out rank PS3 in a few of those areas, though I do not own a Xbox360, so I would not know.

Side: PS3
Viper646(9) Disputed
2 points

I could write a book about why the ps3 blows and why the Xbox 360 is better. Its graphics are not nearly as good as the Xbox 360 and that is one of the most important things.

Side: Worse with Islamofacists
-1 points

As much as I'd hate to admit it, as far as sales go, the 360 is doing far better than the PS3. Most of the hit games come out on the 360 as well. So, for the average gamer, the 360 is better.

For me, though? I like the weird shit. The cult games are more appropriate for me. Games like Disgaea 3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes are where it's at. The PS3 seems to have far more of those, as well as an abundance of Japanese titles, and while I'm not particularly inclined to like 'anime' games, I do like me a good RPG, and since most of the good western RPGs are on both consoles, I don't have to worry about that.

Still, even if I had a 360, it wouldn't see much use anyways. My PS3 doesn't either, considering most of the gaming I do is on my PC. I'm a Counterstrike whore. Which is, to this day, still more enjoyable than most console shooters.(Except for like, Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 and 2, but even that plays better on the PC.)

Side: PS3