
Debate Info

Werewolves Vampires
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Werewolves (5)
 Vampires (5)

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hpaulah(7) pic

Which is cooler: werewolves or vampires

I'm just asking


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 8
3 points

Vampires suck!

Side: Werewolves
3 points

Well they do.... right? (Suck blood)

Side: Werewolves
1 point


Screw vampires and werewolves. Twilight single-handed turned a couple of the coolest monsters into a fucking boy band. >< holy crap I hate emo prepubescent chicks for that.

Side: Werewolves
1 point

I discount Twilight there not real Vampires sparkly in the sun jeez give me strength what a pile of crap, although both cool monsters I'm gonna side with Werewolves probably because their not portraid as being as pretentious

Side: Werewolves
1 point

Werewolves! Twilight kinda did the whole vampire thing over for me.. therefore... WEREWOLVES YAYYY! X3

Side: Werewolves

Vampires do NOT stop whatever they are doing, sit down, and lick their balls ;)

Side: Vampires
2 points

Jealous much? ;)

Side: Vampires

Hardly..., I can reach the tip ;)

Side: Vampires

Vampires don't have to worry about shedding fur and vampires get to sleep all day.

Side: Vampires