
Debate Info

Apathy. Hate.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Apathy. (3)
 Hate. (2)

Debate Creator

Sitar(3680) pic

Which one is worse?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2
1 point

What is that saying about thin lines and love? Just imagine I typed that instead.

Side: Apathy.
1 point

Good choice. I agree. .

Side: Apathy.
1 point

inescapable unconditional apathy is the most horrifying thing imaginable. hatred can be considered substance at the least.

Side: Apathy.
1 point

Would I prefer to have a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern in fact a total indifference, and detachment to cockroach racing...?

Or would I prefer to have an intense dislike, a loathing, disgust, abhorrence, aversion, hostility and ill will towards eating brains and tripe with onions

To be quite honest I can live with both.

Side: Hate.

Hate is eternally evil. An evil heart causes mental perdition.

Side: Hate.