
Debate Info

money hungry jews cave dwelling muslims
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 money hungry jews (3)
 cave dwelling muslims (1)

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westernslave(695) pic

Who do you think bought more of....

....the American & Untied Airline "PUT OPTION STOCKS" in the few days prior to Semptember 11th, 2001?

in case youre in the dark about what that means...

think about it...who would have known to buy the "puts"? and wouldnt the jew stream media have been all over that if muslims had gained from them? but no, just like building 7, there was hardly any mention of it over the years following the 911 false flag attack

i love how jew controlled hollywood talks about it as they introduce the cool james bond RFID chip....




money hungry jews

Side Score: 5

cave dwelling muslims

Side Score: 1
2 points

The fucking tax payers that's who! Fucking cunts.

Side: money hungry jews
westernslave(695) Clarified
1 point

that fucking didnt make any fucking sense.........fuck fuck fuckity fuck ;)

Side: money hungry jews
0 points

Well fuck me in the ass and call me Charlie,! ;)

Side: money hungry jews
0 points

Well fuck me in the ass and call me Charlie,! ;)

Side: money hungry jews
2 points

At least Jews are smarter than the OP.

Side: money hungry jews
1 point


Side: money hungry jews
westernslave(695) Clarified
1 point

only a blind ignorant shitball would see it as being smart.

Side: money hungry jews
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
0 points

Ashkenazi Jews are smarter, on average, than any other ethnic group.

You are, on average, as intelligent as 10 year old.

Side: cave dwelling muslims
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