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 Who is the most physically attractive political figure as of right now? (8)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Who is the most physically attractive political figure as of right now?

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2 points

Meghan Mccain. She's toasty!

She's sweet, smart, and compassionate. She's my type of republican!

But she doesn't date atheists, liberals or girls... Shame.

For me it's a toss-up between the two heads of the super powers...Obama and Medvedev. I think both of them are very handsome and cut dashing figures on the world stage. Besides, I love Medvedev's shirts as the Windsor collar has always been a favorite of mine! He is a bit short but I think he's as cute as a button! Obama has finely chisled features and looks very handsome no matter what he wears.

Side: Obama and Medvedev
0 points

The general public (of whom are legal citizens with the power to vote), politicians are ugly.

I rest my case.

Side: general public