
Debate Info

Jerry Tom
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Jerry (1)
 Tom (5)

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HardToSay(13) pic

Who is the victim in the show, 'Tom and Jerry'?

Please give a general response for ALL the episodes together.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 11

That cute little mouse is the victim. Tom should pick on someone his own size.

Side: Jerry
3 points

Jerry is a bitch.

Side: Tom

"Is you is or is you ain't my baby?"

Side: Tom
1 point

LOL! I remember that.

Is you is or is you ain't my baby
Side: Tom

Tom Cat is the victim, he is being outwitted by the Jerry Mouse, Jerry is a rodent.

Side: Tom

Tom is trying to eat Jerry, although Jerry is giving him plenty of good reasons to do so, apart from just being hungry.

Tom doesn't annoy Jerry the way Jerry annoys Tom. Jerry enjoys mocking Tom, while Tom just wants a quiet evening for himself.

Side: Tom