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 Who was the best president in American History? (18)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Who was the best president in American History?

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3 points


Saved the Union

Freed the slaves

Kept people in line (suspending Habeas Corpus and saying fuck you to congress when they disproved).

Kicked ass even though everyone called him a tyrant

Had shitty approval ratings but continued on with the his very unpopular war

Side: Lincoln
altarion(1955) Disputed
2 points

Kept many important documents in his hat. . . Wow that's smart!

Side: Lincoln
1 point

He didn't "save" the union, the Union was against slavery. What he did was bring or try really hard to bring the confederates and the union back together... and abolish slavery. He didn't blame anyone but said that it was an issue that we need to figure out. Jackson, I think was the president after Lincoln was assassinated, and he too, helped bring the Union and the confederates together, but he was a pussy and the war was essentially over by that point anyway... Lincoln was the end of the war and Jackson just picked up where Lincoln left off, readmitting the defeated confederates to the Union.

Lincoln last words were something along the lines of "I don't give a fuck what other people think" when his woman said "What are other people going to think about us holding hands in public?" when they were in the booth @ the theater... that's awesome alone.

Lincoln was a bad ass, and even though he was somewhat religious he understood the separation of church and state. He mentions god in some of his speeches, but doesn't use it to anyone's advantage. That too is bad ass.

Side: Lincoln
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

well, from his earlier speeches, he seemed more deist. although, when his son died he became a lot more religious.

Side: Lincoln

I vote for any president that got shot. I mean, if you were president and someone shot you, you must be doing something right. Kinda like when I get down voted ;)




Did I miss any?

Side: Lincoln
1 point


Comic relief!

Side: Lincoln
2 points

George W. Bush:

By giving us a common enemy to hate (himself) he literally single handedly brought together the Democrats and Republicans in the past 6 or so years.

Side: GWB

I think our common enemy are terrorists but..... whatever.

You should be glad that we went to war when we did and has lasted as long as it has. We should be out of Iraq before you're 18 or 19.

We normally go to war about every 10 years. So, when the war ends, we'll have about 10 years of peace. This means that you should be able to join the armed forces, serve your country, get money and benefits for doing it (like getting paid to go to college after your tour is up, full health and dental, etc.) and be relatively safe. Just get out before the shooting starts.

Or you can work and put yourself through college that way. But this way is harder. If the military pays for your college, you don't have to work while going to school. So you can focus on school.

Side: GWB
0 points

I actually wasn't planning on staying in this country after high school. I'm honestly planning on moving to Europe and going to either a college or trade school there and then afterwards I wanted to play Water Polo for the National Hungarian team so I can pay off my schooling and also make enough to afford my first house. However I have yet to decide what to do after ending my Water Polo career. XD I was thinking about opening a restaurant in either France or somewhere in America and making my living off of that and other business corporations.

Side: GWB
dcool15(107) Disputed
-1 points

actually the military is not the place to go for free schooling anymore because they have something kinda like scholarships and only a certain few people get in. because my brother and cousin and my sister-in-law are in the navy and none of gotten any more than the required training for their Fields the military is falling to pieces (financially that is)

Side: question mark
1 point

i may be aussie but i pick roservelt (sorrie if i miss spelt it)

but he led us though WWII tho he riped churchhill off =P

and he led the u.s though a harsh time of war when it got bombed and yea...

Side: roservelt
1 point

Abraham Lincoln best President ever......he came a long way and had the balls to be a president I LUV LINCOLN

Side: Lincoln

I will say FDR because he got this country out of the Great Depression.

Side: Lincoln