
Debate Info

Intangible HoldTheMayo
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:41
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 Intangible (13)
 HoldTheMayo (12)

Debate Creator

GuitarGuy(6096) pic

Whose posts are more pointless?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 10
1 point

That's a tough one. They're both pretty pointless, but I enjoy HtheM's posts more.

Side: Intangible
1 point

Intang no contest. I think he has turrets or something? His posts mean nothing. He stands for nothing. I fuck around a lot but people know where I stand on most issues... who knows where Intang stands on anything? He just types random shit most of the time that doesn't even make sense to anyone.

Side: Intangible

Two awesome debaters here...not sure why the word "pointless" is being used around them. But I think I have to side with myself.

Side: Intangible
1 point

After (attempting to) read half of the shit above, i'll have to settle with intangible.

Side: Intangible
0 points

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The bigger troll.

Side: Intangible
1 point

I posted a picture that pretty much sums you up.

Side: Intangible
1 point

It's missing a ninja outfit.

Side: HoldTheMayo
Hellno(17724) Disputed
0 points

The bigger troll is off to the left of my screen? Again... that makes no sense.

Side: HoldTheMayo
Intangible(4934) Disputed Banned
0 points

It does if I turn the computer screen to where the left of it is facing me.

Side: Intangible
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