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 Why Is Obama Suddenly Interested the Victims of 9/11? (25)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Why Is Obama Suddenly Interested the Victims of 9/11?

Why is Obama suddenly interested in Ground Zero and the victims of 9/11?  Today was the first time he visited Ground Zero since being President.  Hmmmm? Bin Laden finally gets what he deserved (actually he deserved worse) and Obama visits Ground Zero 4 days later.  Is this just Obama's kick off to campaign 2012? 



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4 points

I don't think he cares about the victims of 911. He just needs a good photo opportunity to try to get his ratings back up from the gutter!

That is true.

2 points

Exactly !

3 points

I see Bush snubbed his invite to join him at Ground Zero! George knows BS when he smells it!!

3 points

It's all about photo ops and trying to win the America back that he lost and try to impress the America that he never had. It's not working for me!

2 points

It's not working for me either... he never had any interest in Ground Zero as POTUS before? Why now that he's in campaign mode again. He's a disgrace to the country.

2 points

I sincerely hope that there isn't enough people out there fooled by him to vote him back into office. Let Ted Nugent run...I'd vote for him. But other countries would be nervous with the Motor City Madman's finger on the button. lol

2 points

I feel that Bin Laden dying would have been a great campaign format for Obama to get re-elected in 2012. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, he made a major mistake in not releasing the pictures of Bin Laden's death. Currently, there is very little proof that we actually got Bin Laden, and for the people who want closure (9/11 victims or members of the military) they are probably really hoping for Obama to change his mind on this decision.

The pictures, if there are any, will most likely eventually get released. But if it's not by Obama's decision, I can see this hurting him in 2012.

As for the victims of 9/11, I find it kind of unfair to imply that he doesn't care. How many times should anyone visit Ground Zero in order to suggest that they care about the victims?

Side: He always cared
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

How many times should anyone visit Ground Zero in order to suggest that they care about the victims?

I'd say at least one... Obama never bothered to visit Ground Zero as POTUS before... why now?

Side: He always cared
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Maybe you should ask him.

But I'll stick with my belief that he doesn't need to be visiting Ground Zero in order to suggest that he cares about the victims. Killing Bin Laden is a special event. That calls for a special response (like visiting Ground Zero).

Side: He always cared
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, he made a major mistake in not releasing the pictures of Bin Laden's death.

Well, for many in Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups, they still deny that Bin Laden is dead. It is actually better for us if they remain in denial, because that way they would be less likely to retaliate if they think he is still alive. That and the grisly nature of the photos.

Side: He always cared

How many times should anyone visit Ground Zero in order to suggest that they care about the victims?

This was exactly the point I thought of when I saw the title. Is there a requisite amount of times an official world leader should visit anything?

Side: He always cared
2 points

You sound like a bitch.

If Obama saved a kitten from a tree you'd probably accuse him of stealing a fireman's job.

Quit being a bitch. The USA killed Osama. We did a good thing, celebrate, be happy, give credit where it's due even if you don't like where it's due.

You sound like a bitch.

Had Bush gotten Osama you'd be hard pressed to find a liberal that would not be happy about it.

fucking bitch.

Side: He always cared
2 points

Where is your proof that Obama got Osama, you fucking bitch? Oh, wait, there is none that has been released to the public. Like the other sheep, you will believe what your MESSIAH Obama says.

Side: He always cared
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

You look like a bitch who wants Barry's peter rammed up you ass... so? I don't care.

Side: He always cared
Billie(790) Disputed
2 points

Get off this fucking site and never come back you whore. Your fucking birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory and you know what? You were most likely born on a highway because lets face it, thats where most accidents happen. Do us all a favor (except the atheists with no backbone who rely on your horseshit) and leave. Dumbass.

Side: He always cared
1 point

Bwhahaha! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Side: He always cared
1 point

Come on Billie, it's not good for your blood-pressure to hold back...let it out and really tell us how you feel. ;)

Side: He always cared
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Get off this fucking site and never come back you whore

I was here first. I am a whore though, I fuck all the time and all kinds of chicks - your accuracy is the only reason I'm not downvoting you.

Your fucking birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory and you know what?

No I don't know what, please continue...

You were most likely born on a highway because lets face it, thats where most accidents happen.

._. How long you been saving the highway joke tiger?

Do us all a favor (except the atheists with no backbone who rely on your horseshit) and leave. Dumbass.

I fail to see any argument in this exchange. Guess you really are a bitch.

Side: He always cared

He is a politician. Politicians play games with peoples' emotions. Politicians are just as bad as lawyers. Politicians and lawyers are professional manipulators and extortionists. This is probably why many politicians are lawyers

Side: Manipulator
1 point

He is a politician.. Do you really expect honesty of such an extent? They just need what they need.. They always have it preplanned!

Side: Manipulator