
Debate Info

Superior ideas Less authoritarian group think
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Superior ideas (6)
 Less authoritarian group think (10)

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Hamburger(181) pic

Why are Conservatives cool with libs having free speech but not the opposite

Right Winger Ben Shapiro: Freedom of speech and thought matters, especially when it is speech and thought with which we disagree. The moment the majority decides to destroy people for engaging in thought it dislikes, thought crime becomes a reality.

Superior ideas

Side Score: 6

Less authoritarian group think

Side Score: 10
1 point

Why are Conservatives cool with libs having free speech but not the opposite


I'm a lib. I believe in free speech. To suggest I DON'T, is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID


Side: Superior ideas
Hamburger(181) Disputed
1 point

I'm a lib. I believe in free speech. To suggest that people like me DON'T

When you create no argument and use the term "stupid, stupid, stupid," it makes you sound like a child or mentally handicapped person.

Side: Less authoritarian group think
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

When you create no argument and use the term "stupid, stupid, stupid," it makes you sound like a child or mentally handicapped person.


Au contraire.. To call a stupid debate, stupid IS an argument.. Oh, I know you don't like it, because most of your debates are the epitome of STUPID.


Side: Superior ideas
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

When you create no argument and use the term "stupid, stupid, stupid," it makes you sound like a child or mentally handicaped


Ok, then.. Please tell me how smart THIS post is?? Seriously. DUDE!

I always notice that the people (Democrats) that fight so hard for abortion are ALWAYS living, breathing people.


Side: Superior ideas
JasonRiley(45) Disputed
1 point

I'm a lib. I believe in free speech

Your party's leadership clearly doesn't. The Hunter Biden story was censored, the President of the United States was banned, only Republicans are perged from social media, and Democrats in government are colluding with social media, which is the merger of corporate power and government power, aka Fascism.

Side: Less authoritarian group think
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

I'm a lib. I believe in free speech....

Your party's leadership clearly doesn't.


To debate me on a position I DON'T hold, is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.


Side: Superior ideas
1 point

Any game lover cannot help but know the Typing racer game, this is an extremely attractive and thrilling racing game. Have you experienced this game yet?

Supporting Evidence: Typing racer (
Side: Less authoritarian group think
1 point

Any expressed opinion which is at odds with the leftist/wok's ultra-red vision of a militant socialist order America is vilified by the Democrat's media and classified as ''HATE SPEECH''.

Free speech has been banned by the woks in most of our universities with those who wish to give voice to their genuinely held conservative views being shouted down by the left-wing thugs and on numerous occasions being beaten to the ground.

If a conservative group decide to publicly promote their political views the left quickly organize a counter demonstration which they ensure turns violent.

America was founded on the constitutional principles of its people having the right to freedom of thought, conscience as well as religious and political expression.

These fundamental rights have been smothered BY THE LEFT-WING THUGGISH FILTH, as they strive towards establishing their communist America.

Side: Less authoritarian group think
1 point

With the world teetering on the verge of WW3 and Armageddon the leftist woks are still totally pre-occupied with their madcap schedule of gender pronouns and brainwashing our children into believing that there is no such thing as male and female sexes. .


Side: Less authoritarian group think
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point


Hello N:

To be clear, if we ALL don't have freedom of speech, then NONE of us do.

Tell me, when was your come to Jesus moment when you realized that Colin Rand Kaepernick is an upstanding, patriotic individual?


Side: Superior ideas
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

Howdy my old sparring partner,

You pose your question in a strange manner.

I only know that Colin Rand Kaepernick was a football player and still is a civil rights activist.

Other than that I know nothing about this individual.

As with all such people though, it would be helpful if they would spell out exactly what they think would improve their civil rights with cool, objective composure instead of ranting and raving with the standard underlying theme of hatred and thinly veiled messages of violence.

Everyone, but absolutely everyone has the right to articulate their beliefs in the aforementioned civilized manner.

List out what this person wants and we can discuss the points with open minded sobriety.

Side: Less authoritarian group think