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 Why are atheists so closed minded and bigotted? (17)

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erferfe(18) pic

Why are atheists so closed minded and bigotted?

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4 points

I believe there is no God

I believe there is a God

Either way, they are both the same, because they are putting faith into the unknown. It's all fallacious reasoning.

Both sides are just as bigoted as the other.

I like pie

do you like pie?

Don't make me cry

Please like my pie

Do you want to die

for my pie?

Oh my my my

Yummy yummy pie

Is it here

no it's there

it's in my underwear

but I don't care

it's nice and warm

like a solar flare

Do you want inside?

Please do abide

Don't hurt my pride

Let's go for a ride

Down a dark road

and into the woods

You silly chode

my pie taste very goods

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Pie, is there Babies in it?

Yes, but only mexican babies. I like to go for the species with the most abundance, when they go missing no one will really notice.

If you want a different flavor, you'll have to get your own baby.

3 points

Because we like impersonating theists ;)

3 points

Because the closed mindedness and bigotedness of Theists rubs of on them.

1 point

Oh no wait, I found some credit due ;)

1 point

Not all theists are the same, like not all atheists are the same. People should be judged individually, not as a group.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Well this current group of theists are all the same.

3 points

Atheists are open minded. Atheists will listen to you talk about your God and not form an opinion. The problem is that we hear someone tell us about an all loving God, then a God who sends people to hell for eternity, then that those 2 Gods are the same. We hear about a God who doesn't make mistakes, then He has to flood the entire planet because His creations are out of control. The problem is that Atheists are too open minded, we'll listen to you.

3 points

Probably because of all the babies we eat, I think chomping down on a baby is perfectly fine, especially if it's cooked right. I usually finish up by giving the scraps to the "blessed" vagrants that inhabit the wonderful streets of my town, I just say who want's some leftover Roast.

And they be all "bless you sir", "God is working through you sir", then I go home laughterbating and shooting Lulz all over the place out of my massive laughter cannon.

Actually typing this is making me hungry, I'm of to the maternity hospital on a hunt.