
Debate Info

It's not important He's made up
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 It's not important (6)
 He's made up (1)

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GuitarGuy(6096) pic

Why aren't there any verses in the Bible describing Jesus' appearance?

It's not important

Side Score: 6

He's made up

Side Score: 1
1 point

I guess it isn't important... but the information definitely would have been helpful to artists.

Side: It's not important

Somethings, you don't need to see to believe.

Side: It's not important
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Uhhh... I don't see how that applies to this debate. Description or not, we would have never seen him.

Side: It's not important
Enaccpersona(232) Clarified
1 point

If you were to have a description of what Jesus looked like, then you would be able to see him with your minds eye.

Side: It's not important

That is an interesting question. And it leads me to another many Biblical figures did have physical descriptions in the Bible?

Side: It's not important
1 point


Well... maybe a few, I'm not sure lol.

Side: It's not important
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Near as I can tell, appearances are generally only described when they're directly relevant to the story in question- and only to the extent needed. Eg. In the story of David and Goliath, the relevant size and stature are described, though not the specifics of their overall appearances. In the story of Samson, the impressiveness of his physique and hair are described, both being directly relevant to the story. The beauty of female characters, where relevant (eg. Esther, Sarah, Rachel), is described to lend context to the story. Other female characters, such as Mary Magdalene, are not given much of a description as it's not really relevant in offering any kind of context.

Side: It's not important
1 point

It was his actions and teachings that were important not his appearance

Side: It's not important

I think His first appearance is at the wedding feast at Cana.

Side: It's not important

The same reason there isnt a universally confirmed appearance of Santa Clause.... Hint hint

Side: He's made up