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Ordered to Dem mayors are racists
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Ordered to (2)
 Dem mayors are racists (1)

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HairyNom(16) pic

Why do cops controlled by Democrat mayors always kill black people

Ordered to

Side Score: 2

Dem mayors are racists

Side Score: 1
1 point

Why do cops controlled by Democrat mayors always kill black people

Hello hairy:

I dunno.. Why do cops controlled by Republican mayors LOVE to kill black people??


Side: Ordered to
AmareI(20) Disputed
1 point

I dunno.. Why do cops controlled by Republican mayors LOVE to kill black people??

Name these large cities with race problems and cops killing blacks, that are run by Republicans.

Side: Dem mayors are racists
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Name these large cities with race problems

Hello again, A:

Why does it have to be large cities??? Systemic racism runs from coast to coast, and from large cities to small towns.. How do you miss so much?

The tiny Village of Park Forest, Illinois is an example of a small town DOING something about systemic racism..

Check it out..


Side: Ordered to
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