
Debate Info

What do you think what will you tell them
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 What do you think (3)
 what will you tell them (1)

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Why do friends talk behind your back?


What do you think

Side Score: 4

what will you tell them

Side Score: 1
2 points

If they don't then they better get going because I talk all kinds of smack behind theirs! ;)

Side: What do you think
1 point

Because if they do it to your face you will probably smack them .

Side: What do you think
1 point

They do!?!? I knew it!! !

Side: What do you think
1 point

We all talk about someone behind their back, so I do not expect me to not be talked about (negatively). I do not suspect, however, that there is a lot of Animosity towards me from some acquittance... but if someone really had a problem with me and used others to vent it towards, the idea wouldn't bother me. My mindset is very different from the normal one... I'm too objective to even have strong feelings (good or bad) towards others. Sometimes I lose that ability to remember that others think very different from me, causing me to lose touch with reality.

Side: what will you tell them