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 Why do you vote up or vote down an argument on CD? (7)

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Saffron(94) pic

Why do you vote up or vote down an argument on CD?

What is the criteria which you use, and do you think it displays poor sportsmanship to just vote down all opposing arguments?

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If it is an illogical post which I do not agree with, I shall downvote it. If it is poorly written and I disagree, I will downvote it. If it is poorly written and I do agree with it, I will upvote it. Et cetera.

I don't bother too much with the point system so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible..

1 point

I don't have an answer because I don't vote arguments up or down. Instead, I argue arguments "up or down" with my agreement or disagreement.

If fact, I think the makers of this site should require someone to present a responsive argument before they are allowed to vote an argument up or down. Lacking that, I think it should be a custom among CD users to do so. Then it would be obvious why the vote up or down was made.

Side: explain your up or down votes please
1 point

I vote down if someone makes an irrelevant point or if they support homosexuals.

Side: explain your up or down votes please
1 point

I don't really up or down vote anyone, because I just want to keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: explain your up or down votes please

I rarely ever down vote regardless what the argument. I usually only up vote if it is a good argument and on my side.

Side: Only Up Vote
1 point

I will only up-vote if the argument makes a particularly well thought out or astute point.

I will only downvote if the argument is exceptionally stupid or lazy and thus irritates me sufficiently to motivate me to downvote it.

Most of the time I don't bother with voting either way. I post arguments, those are my votes.

Side: Only Up Vote