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 Why doesn't pressure promote human health? (2)

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Why doesn't pressure promote human health?

In primitive societies, humans had to fight or battle against nature and beasts. Humans had to accept very heavy pressure. Only those who could bear the heavy pressure can survive. Those who couldn't had been eliminated. And also, Those whose health was threatened once pressure fell onto them had been eliminated. Only those who could be more healthy to fight if pressure fell onto them could survive. It means, through evolution, humans should have been that pressure can promote their health. However, modern people become more unhealthy when accepting heavy pressure. Why is this?
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Why doesn't pressure promote human health?

Hello I:

I'm not sure what kind of pressure you're talking about.. But, if you're bleeding profusely, pressure on the wound will keep you alive, thereby promoting human health..



In primitive societies, humans had to fight or battle against nature and beasts. Humans had to accept very heavy pressure. Only those who could bear the heavy pressure can survive. Those who couldn't had been eliminated. And also, Those whose health was threatened once pressure fell onto them had been eliminated. Only those who could be more healthy to fight if pressure fell onto them could survive. It means, through evolution, humans should have been that pressure can promote their health. However, modern people become more unhealthy when accepting heavy pressure. Why is this?

I think it's a great question. I would guess because that way of life became obsolete with the invention of new technologies, and humans evolved past it. Ultimately, things adapt to the environment they are in. That's just how evolution works. It's a bit like pointing out the vikings for many hundreds of years raped and pillaged everything in sight, so why are Nords disproportionately liberal? Or Australians were all criminals, so why do they obey the law in the present day? Times change, is what I'm saying. And life changes with them.