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garry77777(1775) pic

Why has the word terrorist been exlclusively reserved for muslim extremists

You should all know what im referring to here, in the moments preceeding the arrest of anders behring brevik western media (particularly american) had labelled the attack "islamic teorrism" in fact many mainstream news otlets went even further abd confirmed it was Al Queda (e.g. Fox), when the news began to filter out that a blond haired, blued eyed Norwegian was responsible the tone of the news coverage immediately changed across the board, no error was admitted on the part of any news station and it was quickly relabelled a right wing extremist attack, so why can this even not be labelled terrorism by our media? Has the West become so anti-islamic that we now only recognise their extremism as terrorism, i have long been of the view that terrorism comes in many forms, most of which are sanitised and not presented as terrorism at all. Islamic terrorism is a problem, theres no doubt, as is this new right wing western terrorism thats beginning to emerge but neither of these will ever compete with corporate and state sponsered terrorism (e.g. Iraq and Afghanistan), this kind of wholesale terrorism is in another league to petty Al Queda operatives, a group ike Al Queda could never hope to destroy a whole country like Iraq, or kill 1.2 million of its inhabitants, but of course were tranined to think about these actions as being those of terrorism despite the similar results (i.e. death and destruction) on a much much wider scale.


Note: After receving complaints from two people i have to explicitly state that in no way has the word terrorist been officially changed to only represent muslims extremism

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2 points

propaganda - did the same thing with the Oklahoma bombing until found out it was some white guy. Is it rascist? Xenophobic?

Government does not want to admit on home grown 'terrorists' becuase it breaks up the illusion of a monolithic political ruling class.

Side: fascist fighter
2 points

I think the answer is in the question itself. Media in west has become so possesive being anti Islam, that they are not able to look beyond Islam for the source of terrorism. The answer is in the below link.;=article&sid;=352

This is also happening, since none of the Media barons are owned by Muslims. All the view points coming out from all those channels would be people who are anti muslims. Muslim perspective of news would be delivered by news channels such a Al-jazeera.

All forms of violence needs to be condoned, and also looked into the root cause.

Side: fascist fighter

In my column "It isn't fanaticism – it's evil," I wrote: "There are about 400 recognized terrorist groups in the world. Over 90 percent of these are Islamist groups. Over 90 percent of current world fighting involves Islamist terror movements. The vast majority of world terrorism is religiously motivated by Islam. This involves terrorist acts in 26 countries worldwide. These people cannot be reasoned with. Their hatred is an anathema to all rational consideration. They have but one goal: to subdue the world under the rule of Islam." (WND, Aug. 12, 2006)

Read more: Compare Oslo with Islamic terrorism?

I don't believe the word is used totally to describe Islamic terrorism...but I beleive for the most part the majority of the terrorist acts in the world are committed by Islamic terrorist.

Side: fascist fighter
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"In my column "It isn't fanaticism – it's evil," I wrote: "There are about 400 recognized terrorist groups in the world. Over 90 percent of these are Islamist groups. Over 90 percent of current world fighting involves Islamist terror movements. The vast majority of world terrorism is religiously motivated by Islam. This involves terrorist acts in 26 countries worldwide. These people cannot be reasoned with. Their hatred is an anathema to all rational consideration. They have but one goal: to subdue the world under the rule of Islam." (WND, Aug. 12, 2006)"

This really distorts the main piotn of the debate, yes of the worlds recognised terrorist groups the majority are are affiliated with the islamic faith, but this really does distort the message. I mean these groups are recognised as being terrorsits but the actions of coutnries are far mroe destructive than any terrorist group, when Isreal murdered 1400 people in Gaza (over 400 children) and destroyed the infrastructure there was that called terrorism, what the US has done in iraq, is that terrorism, also the threat posed by muslim extremism has been one of the most over exaggerated phenomenon in the 21st century, with the demise of the soviet union a new bad guy was needed to justify americans imperialism, this is that new bad guy, americans were never in any real danger of this but they were made tio feel like Al Queda were ready to invade and take over for reasons that i shouldn't have to explain, for clarification read the works of George Orwell, and here i also found this artivle quite informative:

Ive read your article and i don't agree with it, its simply perpetuating the same propaganda that all other news outlets are guilty of, this issue of anti-islamic bias deserves recognition but its not going to get any as that doesnt serve elite interests, people need to think that the muslim faith wants to wipe us out and that all muslims are bad cause if we don't then mayeb we might not agree with the new unjust war thats waged.

(BTW WDN is a deeply flawed news source and i shouldn't need to tell you this: )

"I don't believe the word is used totally to describe Islamic terrorism"

Thats not the piont, if pressed everyone will say that as to argue against it is follish and directly at odds witht the facts but the fact is it doesnt find its way into western discourse for a very good reason, the fact that this attack was called terrorism at first and was then immediately changed to right wing extremism is also no accident

"...but I beleive for the most part the majority of the terrorist acts in the world are committed by Islamic terrorist."

Well 1.2 million Iraqis are dead, does this not qualify as terrorism, i mean their country is in ruins but we don't call it terrorism but i can gaurantee you if you asked an Iaqri whose suffered at the hands of american imperialism like the majority in that coutnry i think they'd call it terrosim fairly quickly, thye may not be agreeing with the concensus established by us but are they less justified, if an Iraqi womas has lost her family due to an unjust invasion of her country by a foreign oppressive power does she not have the right to call the actiosn of that power terrorism? What about the drone attacks in Pakistan, relation between the US and Pakistan are very strained, i mean the corrupt puppet government that doesnt represeetn the people that you supply aid to is getting very annoyed because it knows that if you continue to murder its civlians indiscriminantly the poeple aren't going to stand for it any longer. Members of the CIA are flying drones with missiles into sovereign pakistani territory and killing huge numbers of civilians all just to assinate some taliban member, is this not terrorism?

•"The former chief counter-insurgency strategist for the US State Department has estimated that drone attacks kill 50 non-targeted persons for each intended target."

• “We have opened up a new realm of warfare, a new realm of breaking, breaching international and domestic law,” says Lawrence B. Wilkerson, former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell in 2002-2005."


Side: fascist fighter
1 point

Where is evidence that the word is "exclusively reserved for islamic extremists"? Is it because at this time, Islamofascism is what the West has been fighting? That doesn't reserve anything, that just means they want to talk about their current enemies.

McCain, a Republican (you guys remember him), said that abortion bombers were just as bad as the 9/11 hijackers. Glenn Beck (considered by many to be a Conservative type guy) said that the Norwegian shooter was just as bad as the 9/11 hijackers.

Bill O'Reilly has spoken of domestic or right-wing terrorists being just as bad as left-wing or islamic terrorists. He's considered by many to be a Conservative.

So if someone is reserving someone, we can rule-out the Conservatives, right?

Okay... so who is to blame for this reservation? You believe that it exists? Well, I'm sure that you don't pull shit out of your ass to stir up controversy, so it MUST be the Liberals or moderates... right? Okay.

Side: not true
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"Where is evidence that the word is "exclusively reserved for islamic extremists"?"

The evidence is quite staggering actually, im very surprised you actually asked this question, in answer to this astounding question i refer you to any western mainstream media outlet prior to finding out who was responsible for the attack, every single one (without fail both in europq and american) had labelled it islamic terrosism most likely Al Queda and then quickly changed it to right wing extremism, this is because they don't want to call it terrorism, that nasty word and all its associated connotations are reserved for Islamic extremism.

" Is it because at this time, Islamofascism is what the West has been fighting?"

Please elaborate if you would.

"McCain, a Republican (you guys remember him), said that abortion bombers were just as bad as the 9/11 hijackers."

This isn't about people condeming attacks, so fucking what if McCain compared certain event to 9/11, many people did this after the events of 9/11 became a common part of american political discourse, i mean theres a video of Julian saying 9/11 like 12 times in a speech many of the pionts not even being related to 9/11, 9/11 was simply on the brain because it was being used for a variety of political purposes, its no accident that received so much air time (even in europe it was played for almost a year everyday around other stories).

This debate is about terminology, and Orwellian trickery, and how it was so obvious exposed in the events preceeding the discovery of the norwegian attackers identity. I have only seen news stations outside the western ones actually talk about this, none of the western station even admitted there was a mistake, this also is not accidental, i advise you to watch the coverage of the event (when the info. about Anders Brevik became known) on some mainstream stations outside the west, the complexion of the situation changes quite a bit.

"Glenn Beck (considered by many to be a Conservative type guy) said that the Norwegian shooter was just as bad as the 9/11 hijackers."

My God man, Fox News was the only station tio come and say it was Al Queda, get grip and stop trying to defend your views that are clearly biased. You call me an ideologue yet you are totally unaware of your own ideological position which is anything but impartial despite what you have convinced yourself of.

"So if someone is reserving someone, we can rule-out the Conservatives, right?

No not at all but keep convinving yourself of that you're very good at it.

"Okay... so who is to blame for this reservation? You believe that it exists? Well, I'm sure that you don't pull shit out of your ass to stir up controversy, so it MUST be the Liberals or moderates... right? Okay."

The forces of rapacious power and the eleite establishment are, you see liberal and conservatives, or this and that, i see the concentration of power in the hands of a tiny select few and a system that supports them and not the majority.

Now these Orwellian games are no secret to those of us that have accepted them as being a fact, intelligence has very little to do with, once you lose faith in the establishment its subtle and devious machinations begin to unravel, one very simple and explanatory example i rememeber reading about was the words "peace process", two very simply words, well someone asked chomsky why america was always invloved in the peace process (i don't have a source for this handly at the moment but i can get it if you really want it) and chomsky stated that by definition america is always involved in the peace process, even if its the one bombing or invading a country, if you read about it in western media you won't find any reference to america not being invloved in the peace process so this man went away and did a project reaserching the New York Times for twenty years and sure enough america was never not involved in the opeace process even in situations where it would be perfectly acceptable not to be involved in it, but no, by defintion America always supports and is involved in the peace process even if this directly contradicts the facts, thats the kind o0f subtle Orwellian trickery that goes largely unnoticed but subliminally effects peoples opinions, like your for instance.

Side: fascist fighter
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

You STILL have not provided ANY evidence of reservations of the term terrorist to ONLY mean Islamic extremists. When I bring up O'Reilly, McCain, and Beck (all conservatives, and only ONE who said this on Fox News, because Beck no longer had his show when he talked about Norway, but I'm sure your mistake is justified), you just say "omg, that doesn't compare to everyone else" as if there's this vast conspiracy where everyone is trying to brainwash us into thinking that the only terrorists are Muslims.

But in the end, since no evidence has been provided, I can not accept what you say.

Side: not true