
Debate Info

Yes, they will No, they wont
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:50
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 Yes, they will (7)
 No, they wont (11)

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aplink(28) pic

Will China present to the World a more compassionate profile because of the Olympics

China Olympics & China's Compassion

Yes, they will

Side Score: 16

No, they wont

Side Score: 21
3 points

I believe they will but sustaining this after the Olympics is what China needs to address and maintain to achieve some of the aims they need to address

Side: Yes, they will

I think that they will try. China wants to be seen as a "nice" nation. That's why they block all internet access to places where they are not doing nice things. They don't want the world to see them doing things that are not "nice." Like Tibet.

Side: Yes, they will
1 point

China wants to be viewed as progressive and industrialised, not neccessarily humanitarian. And Tibet is really controversial, depending on the respective bias of the reports. Perhaps what you're demonstrating is the suppression of the Beef candlelight demonstrations in Seoul recently, where the CCTV cameras were turned off in the city before police started suppressing the protests to US high BSE risk beef.

Side: No, they wont

Yeah, like that Seoul thing.

Side: No, they wont
2 points

The olympics will highlight China's anti-humanitarian practices due to the increased media exposure. Many throughout the world ignorant of China's oppressive policies will become enlightened.

Side: No, they wont

Do you think that the Chinese government will try to isolate the media in order to reduce exposure? How successful do you think they'll be?

Side: No, they wont

If we look at China's history, it's hardly ever listened to outside opinions, and even when it has, it has either been for self improvement, which ultimately leads to the degration of the original foreign voice, or for an individual's ambition, which still ultimately warps the imported ideology. Mao personally considered Stalin a barbaric upstart. Because I don't see much of an advantage, other than humanitarian, for China to change it's image as an industrial powerhouse, it doesn't strike me that there is much imperiative to change

Side: No, they wont
3 points

I believe that economics is prompting China to try and "appear" like they have changed.

Side: Yes, they will
0 points

How so?

Side: No, they wont