
Debate Info

No it will not Yes it will
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:44
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 No it will not (4)
 Yes it will (9)

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Brus51(8) pic

Will global warming be as bad as some people say?

No it will not

Side Score: 8

Yes it will

Side Score: 21
2 points

Are you kidding me? Time magazine writes a cover story that we're heading into the "ice age" in the 70's, and cows put out more methane gas (CO2) than cars--according to the "great" United Nations. Please, this is another calamity designed to tax the peeps or create hysteria. The man who started the Weather Channel, a well respected meteoroligist-of course the committed warmers don't believe he's smart anymore- has stated the "hoax" of global warming is just that, a hoax! Finally, the "consensus" isn't a consnesus at all. Any scientist who disagrees is immediatley discredited because he "disagrees".

Look at the tempatures in the 1700's before cars and the "industrial age", they were higher or just as high as they are today. Please give me a break.

Side: No it will not
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

"cows put out more methane gas (CO2) than cars"

Transportation fuels and agricultural byproducts combined only account for a quarter of greenhouse gases. The worst emitters are power stations and industrial processes. (source)

"The man who started the Weather Channel"

Yeah, but that's just one guy. We have to weigh his judgments against those of his peers, and they almost unanimously agree that global warming is happening and that it's man made.

'Any scientist who disagrees is immediately discredited because he "disagrees".'

That's because they disagree with the vast majority of scientists. If what they say is true, they should be able to convince the others.

Where did you get all this bogus information? I suspect the global warming deniers are being influenced by strategic P.R. from oil companies and the like.

Supporting Evidence: Scientific Opinion on Climate Change (
Side: Yes it will
1 point

The planet has been warming up for the last 15,000 years, since the end of the Ice Age. And will continue to do so until the start of the next new ice age. Humans where around when it ended and we will still be here when it starts again. Humans are very adaptable.

Side: No it will not
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

Yes, nature is playing a role in global warming, but the speed at which the Earth is heating up cannot be explained solely by natural causes. The scientific community is in near unanimous agreement that global warming is man-made. (source)

And of course humans will survive global warming even if we do nothing to stop it. The question is, how bad will the consequences be?

Side: Yes it will
downvote(53) Disputed
3 points

I agree with soccer, try to post some thing other than a darn link, and add your own thoughts to the debate! Thanks! =)

Side: Yes it will
ClownSoup(7) Disputed
1 point

The problem is that your link is from 2007 and his is from 2008.

Current research trumps yours. neener neener neener.

Side: No it will not
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

The Daily Mail is the English equivalent of the National Enquirer.

Supporting Evidence: Aliens could attack at any time! (
Side: Yes it will
1 point

Yes, the global warming we're causing will have severe impact on the environment. The thing is, we as humans will still be here as we have the ability and the technology to adapt to the new climate, big part of our biosphere doesn't, unfortunately.

Side: Yes it will
1 point

Yes, you will either fry or freeze because while we are dealing with cooperate disinformation it is accelerating.

Side: Yes it will

I hope so. Do you know how much it costs me to heat my pool?

Side: Yes it will