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The limit has been reached. No choice but to do so.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 The limit has been reached. (3)
 No choice but to do so. (5)

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Norwich(1576) pic

Will the government default on it's $31.4 trillion debt?

''THE IMBECILE'' has run the country into an irreversible quagmire of debt which will be utterly impossible to repay, ever.
What brilliant, fiscal masterplan will ''THE IMBECILE'' and his left wing cronies come up with to save America from earning the unenviable reputation of being the biggest defaulter of debt in the history of global financial affairs?  

The limit has been reached.

Side Score: 3

No choice but to do so.

Side Score: 6
1 point

Remember when the THE IMBECILE whispered into his microphone that he had secured a $ 1.9 trillion loan to pump into the economy and was engaging in the inflationary practice of quantitative easing which is in essence the PRINTING of UNEARNED MONEY? Well those chickens have come home to roost, just as was predicted on THIS FORUM.

The 81 million Americans who voted for THE IMBECILE'S Magical Mystery Tour will be glad to know that we have all reached the terminus;- ''Economic Armageddon''.

Now THE FOOL ON THE HILL, CAPITOL HILL will mumble, stumble and dribble his standard unintelligible gobbledygook in a forlorn attempt to justify the eye-watering stupidity of his death-wish policies of cancelling the Keystone pipeline, opening the borders to millions of the world's greatest spongers and criminals and boasting about his accomplishment of achieving record levels of inflation.

Side: The limit has been reached.
1 point

Will the government default on it's $31.4 trillion debt?

Hello N:

Here's how I see it playing out. The same people who held up McCarthy's speaker-ship, are gonna hold up a vote on the debt limit, thereby crashing the worlds economy.

So, in order to prevent that, McCarthy will accept the few votes he needs to raise the debt limit, from the Democrats, thereby saving the world.


Side: The limit has been reached.
TedHonderich(53) Disputed
2 points

So, in order to prevent that, McCarthy will accept the few votes he needs to raise the debt limit, from the Democrats, thereby saving the world.

I love how your definition of "save the world" is to let the billionaires continue having power as they horde more and more wealth and do crazier and crazier shit to emass more power as they steal from the poor. By "save the world", you mean kick the can down the road so you don't have to deal with it even if your kids do have to deal with an omnipotent ruling class that cares not one tittle about freedom or about the plebs. You are the definition of a fake, and you are about as big a piece of shit as has ever walked the planet Earth.

Side: No choice but to do so.
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

You are the definition of a fake, and you are about as big a piece of shit as has ever walked the planet Earth.

Hello T:

Wow.. All that because I think the US should pay its bills.



Side: The limit has been reached.
Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point

Whilst what you put forward is not necessarily fait accompli it is probably the most likely script the politicians will adopt.

However, if that route is taken all that will be achieved is a temporary postponement of the inevitable default on the national debt.


The public own most of the debt, some $24 trillion.

Foreign governments, including China, Japan and Germany, come in second and it is this portion of our dept which will have to be repaid, sooner or later, one way or the other.

When, if ever, will we be blessed with politicians with the strength of character and fortitude necessary to inform the nation the dire straits we're in and formulate a fiscal strategy to extricate ourselves from the enormous pit which THEY, the POLITICIANS have dug for us over decades of criminal irresponsibility.

Even though the limit of our borrowing has been reached THE IMBECILE continues to facilitate the swamping of the nation with disease ridden illegal bloodsuckers, criminals who are making life unbearable for 100s of 1000s of decant, hard working Americans.

THE IMBECILE, along with Pelosi, A.O.C., and the other radical left wing anti American activists should, without a doubt, be in jail for treason.

Side: The limit has been reached.
1 point

This debt will be impossible to repay as the revenue generated from taxes will be needed to try to keep the lights on and wheels of industry rolling.

There simply won't be any surplus with which to pay the colossal level of borrowing which successive administrations, Republican and Democrat chalked up on behalf of the nation.

Will the wokes, the loony left wingers, the liberals, the virtue signalers, the B.LM., terrorists and the Bongo parasites all call a cessation to their anti-American activities and chip in to try to refloat the sinking ship of SS America and save all those sailing on her?

Will they F, they'll be shouting white privilege* as the vessel gurgles beneath the waves.

Side: No choice but to do so.

Absolutely they can. But will anyone lend to them again, and if no, how are they going to gain purchasing or credit power again?

Side: No choice but to do so.