
Debate Info

Sure, we will Nope, it isn't possible at all
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:36
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 Sure, we will (6)
 Nope, it isn't possible at all (5)

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bugra(10) pic

Will we ever get a fully physical description of the universe?

I wonder your ideas about the existance of a physical description of the universe.

There is a big experiment in CERN, to hunt so-called "God Particle". Space agencies are deliberately working on projects to work on dark matter, blackholes and other misteries. There are so much projects that i can't even remember their names.

Of course, many people say we can't obtain the mathematics of god. 

Anyway, what do you think on this?

Sure, we will

Side Score: 28

Nope, it isn't possible at all

Side Score: 7
11 points

We already know so much. We'll get there.


Side: Sure, we will
10 points



Side: Sure, we will
2 points

Looking at the advancement that humanity been through, i say yes we will.

From Aristotle to Weinberg, we solved so many puzzles. We are stepping towards answers (though there are many problems present).

It seems this development is going to continue: at some point, we will get a formula sheet.

Side: Sure, we will

We already know how to describe a lot of the universe physically, the only thing left to physically describe is 90%... all 90% being Dark Matter. Once we can describe that, we'll have it all down in general; the only thing left will be specific exploration.

Side: Sure, we will
monkeyboy142(76) Disputed
1 point

But we dont what dark matter is made of. .

Side: Nope, it isn't possible at all
1 point

We are very close now, unified physics is thought to be only a few decades away. However, there have been many periods in history when people thought that the ultimate answer or solution was within a generation. I have a feeling that it is probably between 50 and 150 years off (seems like a good margin for error), but could be as little as 30 years off ot less.

Side: Sure, we will
2 points

An abstraction is like compressing audio, sometimes you have to do it but by doing it: you lose information. An description is an abstraction, and as such it will always be lacking some information.

Side: Nope, it isn't possible at all
2 points

To define something is to limit it. The universe is limitless and therefore can't be defined.

Side: Nope, it isn't possible at all
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
2 points

not necessarily you just contradicted your saying, you just defined it a limitless and didn't limit it. if I defign anything as infinite, then anything by the definition of that thing is infinite therefore we didn't limit it. also if you can make logical sense of it, than you can defign it, wether or not its easy its still possible.

Side: Sure, we will

The universe is ever changing so no. .

Side: Nope, it isn't possible at all

The universe is endless, so, a complete physical description is impossible.

Side: Nope, it isn't possible at all