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Debate Score:9
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Would You Pick Up a Hitchhiker?

Not me safety comes first.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6
1 point

Depends. One time, me and a friend of mine got an unexpected ride to a disco we were going to, by some dude and his chick. We were drunk as hell, walking in an unlit road in the middle of nowhere (it was the way from one civilization to another), and we didn't care much who took us, as long as we didn't have to walk 5 Kms. :) He started coming up with stories about the gun he kept safe in the car for the case of robbers or such, and me and my friend were silently laughing at his tales. He was just trying to look prepared in case we were dangerous or something. So yea, you gotta be careful not to pick up dangerous mean motherfuckers like us. :D

I would pick up a hitchhiker if he looked like someone in real need or of good intentions. Like, a couple with wheeled bags and hippie looks in the middle of a long road to a turists town, for exemple. Not to two drunk jackasses like me and my friend in the middle of nowhere in the night. lol

Side: Yes and No

I have in the past.

Once I picked up this chic and she had this bag with and she was clutching it for dear life and acting all nervous. So I asked her what was in the bag and she was like, "What's it to you?"

Anyway, to make a long story short, we ended up getting into a big argument and I pulled over, let her out and pealed out before I realized that she had left the bag in the car.

The thing that hitchhikers need to understand is that you are doing them a favor and that you are the captain of your car and being captain means you set the rules. They don't like it, they can get out. What if she had something in that bag that could have gotten me into a lot of trouble with the police? I mean, the only reason I picked her up was because it was raining..., well..., that and she had a nice pair. ;)

Maybe I shouldn't pick up any more hitchhikers and save myself the headache.

Side: yes

A nice pair of what? feet? ;)

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: yes

Never unless it is my dad, my mom, or my sister. Otherwise, I don't trust you.

Side: No
2 points

you can't be picking up strangers now a days and it's sad because you just don't know when you might find yourself hitchhiking but so many things can go wrong, so it's not worth the risk.

Side: No

The risk outweighs the benefits by far. How are you to know what the person you are picking up is? Be they a store clerk with a broken down car or a murder, they can look the same. While the chances that they are said murder are not exponentially high the possibility still exists. If you make the choice to pick up a hitchhiker it is your life that will be endangered and it will not be anyone's fault but yours.

Side: No