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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Would You Trust a Virtual Changing Room?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 12
2 points

I... what now? A virtual changing room? I'm confused. That sounds like science fiction, or from Tron. Please enlighten me.

Side: huh
2 points

Please explain what a virtual changing room is. I'm really confused on the meaning.

Side: No
2 points

Is this a real question? .

Side: No
2 points

No, I don't trust much of anything these days !

Side: No
2 points

Cool concept, but still doesn't give you the feel of it or how it may really conform to your body.

Side: No
2 points

Not sure... will I be getting virtually naked in this room ?

Side: No