
Debate Info

Oh Yes! God No!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Oh Yes! (4)
 God No! (4)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Would You Want to Know the Exact Day You're Going to Die on?

Oh Yes!

Side Score: 5

God No!

Side Score: 5

I would love to be late to my own funeral. ;)

Side: Oh Yes!

It would help tremendously with planning.

Side: Oh Yes!
1 point

I would, then kill myself one day before to disprove fate. I would go down in history!

Or try to live past it, if I knew how I was going to die..!

Either way, if I knew when I was going to die, I could do all sorts of crazy shit without fear of dying! Like become some terrible dictator for example and have no fear of assassination..!

Yes I would like to know when I die, I will also know how much time I have left to do things.

Side: Oh Yes!
Pigwidgeon(67) Clarified
2 points

You can still be in a vegetative state without dying. Just saying.

Side: Oh Yes!

That would make, living each day like my last, more practical, because I'd know when my actual last was.

Side: Oh Yes!

Why should we when time is already going to fast better enjoy life while you can.

Side: God No!
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Random sexy comment. ;)

Side: Oh Yes!
1 point

Jesus! I don't think so.... it would be a little creepy.

Side: God No!

I think that would stress me out big time .

Side: God No!
1 point

No. As soon as you know, you cannot prevent it. The world is what you make it but if you know the future, you cannot change it.

Side: God No!