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 Would it be cool if a celebrity was on CD? :) (10)

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Vermink(1942) pic

Would it be cool if a celebrity was on CD? :)

Tell me if it would be cool and say what celebrity you'd want it to be :)

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1 point

I'd hope for Jon Stewart to be on CD so I can point out to him how much he is a piece of shit.

Other than that, I don't care that much about celebrities.

Jon Stewart is a complete douche, and inform him that his audience is as or more brain dead as he is.

I wouldn't really want to meet any celebrities because usually, after meeting them, they will disappoint you with what you thought of them from the media perspective.

garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"so I can point out to him how much he is a piece of shit."

Ya, just like Noam Chomsky, right?

ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

eh, I feel like he's not cocky enough. As well, Chomsky actually provides arguments, while Jon Stewart hides behind the fact that he's a comedian to get away with not having to explain himself.

1 point

The Queen, I'ld like to see her at her worst, maybe swearing at a few Republicans.

1 point

Meh, I wouldn't really care. And I don't know if I'd believe it either to be honest. It's too easy to fake someone online.

And I can't think of a celebrity that I'd like to speak to, I mean even if I did it wouldn't accomplish much...

1 point

I would like to get a celebrity on the site. Once we update challenge debates setup to include email invites, you can invite two celebrities to a challenge debate. How would that be?

1 point

That would be cool :D I'd love to debate my favourite celebritys :)

I think if Justin Bieber would be HILARIOUS on CD I think....