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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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slappy11(34) pic

Would listening to a metal band like Disturbed make you a bad person in the eyes of God?

Let me just say that I am an atheist. I just wanted to know what people think.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5
1 point

Most things make you a bad person. Hell, working to support your family is bad if you do it on the Sabbath.

Side: Yes!
1 point

I wouldn't think so, seeing as how Disturbed doesn't really sing about religion at all, neither for nor against such an institution. If you're an overly paranoid Christian, I guess you can think that...

Side: No!
1 point

I dont think God would be that bothered about the music people listen to if he is while millions die around the world from war and famine and live in poverty he's got his priority's mixed up

Side: No!
1 point

We are sinners in need of Jesus no matter what we listen too.

Side: No!
1 point

No not at all, plus Disturbed believes in interfaith dialogue and peace, look at thier album art. Moreover the lead singer David Draiman is Jewish.

Side: No!

Musical groups are just an expression, so, an expression through music is O.K.

Side: No!