
Debate Info

Yes Ha, you're kidding yourself.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes (2)
 Ha, you're kidding yourself. (2)

Debate Creator

Elvira(3446) pic

Would this work?

A way of running a country.

You have heads of different areas: international affairs, agriculture, environment, economy... et.c on a board and a trained political mediator. These decide the laws and make other political decisions, such as: should we sign the kyoto protocol.


Side Score: 2

Ha, you're kidding yourself.

Side Score: 2

Erm... isn't that just a parliament ?

Side: Yes
Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

No- In parliament you have different parties that support different things: labour, conservatives, green party, ukip, bnp(evil incarnate)- all specialised to a certain goal.

Side: Yes
ChuckHades(3197) Clarified
1 point

So what you're proposing is keep the same structure of a parliament (head of foreign affairs, agriculture, etc), but have one person behind each one, with no affiliation to any party?

Side: Yes
kozlov(1754) Clarified
1 point

It sounds similar, but in a Parliament, the ministers are accountable to the people, and I do not know if that is what he meant.

Side: Yes
1 point

Could you clarify a little bit more? It sounds just like a dictatorship to me as of now.

Side: Ha, you're kidding yourself.
1 point

I'm not even sure how it works, the description is so poor... but it seems to me there would be too much going on and only one guy in charge so idk.

Side: Ha, you're kidding yourself.