
Debate Info

Have no hands Have a fat person stalk you
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Have a fat person stalk you (1)

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Dremorius(861) pic

Would you rather...

^Would you rather have no hands, or have a fat person stalk you for life. (He is always there, and you can't get rid of him.)

Have no hands

Side Score: 0

Have a fat person stalk you

Side Score: 3
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I would run as fast I could to try and get away. If he had a car, I'd go into a store where couldn't drive and run away from him. If he was on a bike, I would go to a rocky mountain and do some rock climbing. I would then crawl through tiny little crevices to get some privacy. I would then use my cell phone to have my friends leave food in weird places. Then I would go there and take the food and head off to the wilderness. After some time, if he hasn't died of a heart attack, he would be all slim and fit and would have earned the privilege of being my wing-man in some pickup bar ;)

Side: Have a fat person stalk you