
Debate Info

Kill my parents Kill myself
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Kill my parents (2)
 Kill myself (2)

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djhyeon(10) pic

Would you rather kill yourself or kill your parents?

Also you will not go to jail or suffer any sort of material consequence (like going to jail or suffering social rejection) for killing your parents, if thats what youd choose, and also no troll answers like "neither" or "I would not shoot or kill" etc.

Personally, I would kill my parents because even though as I care/love them, I am the continuity of their bloodline and heritage and have many more goals and achievements to complete. Besides the cold fact that they will eventually pass away, they will also suffer in a way if I do die as would probably yours.

Kill my parents

Side Score: 4

Kill myself

Side Score: 2
3 points

I've killed mine already.

I was all like "you never loved me" and then my Mother was all like "of course we did, we sacrificed a lot for you" so I said "Hush your flapping cock pocket whore-balls" and dispatched her with a frozen leg of lamb, swift blow to the back took out her legs (ironically) then I stabbed her in the eye with the pointier end.

My dad was all like "now you've done it If I wasn't tied up I'd.."

SLAP, open handed to the cheek sent his sentence to hell.

So I was like "If you're going to act like a bitch, I'll slap you like one"

He was sobering like Oprah after she's finished the buffet saying "just kill me, I don't want to live anymore"

So I kept him in the loft for three weeks listening to a scratched Justin Bieber CD until he just gave up, he's still up there, the loft stinks now though.

Afterwards I was glad that I hadn't killed myself, that would be just crazy.

Side: Kill my parents
1 point

What would be the purpose of killing them? Fun? Sadism? For new experience? Boredom? Something else?

Side: Kill my parents
Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

To escape from your own death.

You are given two options. Either your parents die, or you die.

I think that's how the question is, at least.

Side: Kill myself
1 point

I would rather kill myself because I have no point in living. Nobody loves me let alone likes me. I have no friends. Everybody hates me and wishes I wasn't born. I have no life and there is no point in me living so yeah I would kill myself. My parents or other family members loved. Nobody has, ever or will remember me. And when I'm gone nobody will ever notice since I'm like invisible ink.

Side: Kill myself