
Debate Info

Yes, I would read it. No, not interested.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, I would read it. (6)
 No, not interested. (1)

Debate Creator

Tamisan(890) pic

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Would you read The American Journey of Barack Obama?

CD is giving this book away.

By The Editors of Life Magazine

Covers the candidate Barack Obama from his childhood and adolescence to his time as editor of The Harvard Law Review and his Chicago activist years, culminating with the excitement and fervor of the historic 2008 Democratic National Convention. ISBN: 97803160456055.

Yes, I would read it.

Side Score: 6
Winning Side!

No, not interested.

Side Score: 1
1 point

I'd be interested in reading the candidates bios even if they are biased. At least I could semi-objectively determine how vain they are.

Side: Yes, I would read it.

So what do I do to get one of these books?

Side: Yes, I would read it.
1 point

You want a free book? Well, you sure know how to rack up the points in CD. If you don't get at least a little 'kindling' I'd be shocked.

Side: Kindling for Joe

Actually, I was wondering if I can give some of my points to Kukla. I really don't need them and it might make her feel better. Unless the system is prone to glitches (like screwing up the down votes or tagging an argument with the wrong picture), I think that (at the risk of inviting the wrath of the masses upon me) Kukla may be right about what happened to her (even though I don't agree with her approach/tactics). I mean, I like bashing liberals but not clubbing them. I'm a kindler, gentler jerk than your average joe ;)

Is this something you can arrange? Aren't you one of the founders of this site?

What would Obama do?

Side: Yes, I would read it.

Sound like more liberal propaganda.

Side: No, not interested.
0 points

Shame on you! The least you can do is throw it on the fire! ;)

Side: Yes, I would read it.