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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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LoveStargirl(496) pic

Would you want to live in an all perfect world?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 2
1 point

Of course. It's perfect. Every opposite argument is invalid, because a perfect world has no flaws.

Side: Yes

If everything was perfect, there would be no need to change anything..., ever.

As a conservative, I want nothing to change..., ever. I want to conserve everything just the way it is. I like it nice and boring. ;)

Side: Yes
2 points

Down with change!

Side: Yes
1 point

Absolutely ! who wouldn't ?It is human nature to dream of attaining perfection.

Side: Yes

I do want to live in a marshmallow world but I don't think my dream will ever come true.

Side: Yes

if we lived in an all perfect world, people would find no reason to advance in technology or anything, so the world would always be the same, never ever advancing.

and it would be quite boring as well ;)

Side: No
ricedaragh(2494) Disputed
1 point

and it would be quite boring as well ;)

If it was perfect, you'd never be bored.

Side: Yes
1 point

Nonetheless, it would undeniably be a dull life.

If human nature includes attaining perfection, it also involves the need for hurdles.

Life would be predictable .

Side: No