
Debate Info

True False
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:25
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 True (7)
 False (9)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

You shouldn't sleep together on your first date.


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 14
3 points

I don't think it is a good idea unless you know each other real well.. It's just hurting when things don't work out!

Side: True
2 points

i feel its dumb why on earth any girl would like to sleep on her first date with anyone??and people go out hundred times so it means people sleep with each other..And I don't think a woman should want to date a man who wanted to sleep with her on the first date.

Side: True
2 points

Actually this depends on a few things.

But just assuming you just met one another?

Definitely not!

For another thing, it might be against your moral-values.

Side: True
1 point

It all depends on how long they know the person, I mean maybe they have been friends for a while and just decided to date. but if you are just meeting someone you should not be sleeping with them on the first date unless its what you both where after.

Side: True
1 point

I personally wouldn't, or the second. or third or any really. not until I have a ring on my finger and she has one on hers.

Side: True
1 point

Any woman who sleeps with a man on the first date is absolutely a huge whore!! The man might not admit he perceives you that way because he wants to keep you in his stable of whores but he definitely won't marry you by choice (unless he has low standards or knocks you up). But you women are accustomed to whoring yourselves and are definitely without values aka worthless nowadays.

Side: True
3 points

I did...engaged with a baby now. Couldn't of been that harmful or whoreish.

Side: False
2 points

Why not? :D

Side: False
2 points

It is fine, but only if she says yes.

If she says yes, she is definately NOT your shipoopi, so you might as well do it and get the hell out of there.

Side: False
1 point

"not your shipoopi" i laughed hard at that.

I'd say maybe maybe not though. Why is it hard to believe a girl or guy can't be the 'one' if s/he has sex on the first night?

Side: False
2 points

I've only had serious (well semi-serious) relationships with girls who I had sex with on the first night.

Why anyone would date anyone who doesn't genuinely like sex or who has some hang-up about sex is beyond me.

Side: False
1 point

...then id never get laid...


Side: False
1 point

It's not all about sex now I see what your relationships are mostly about.

Side: True
Skaruts(195) Disputed
1 point

Sleeping together "on a date" seems to me as much intimate (or more) as having sex.

Side: False

Men only think about sex when it comes to the first date.

Side: False
1 point

I see no harm in two consenting adults acknowledging their desire for something that is 1. Fun, 2. Feels great, 3. Sometimes bonds two people, 4. Feels really fuckin great! Among many other benefits

I would like to see more people do it so that it destroys that ludicrous notion that it is wrong, immoral, evil, causes STDs, means the two are sluts or whores or players, etc, etc.

If you go on a date with someone, really hit it off, they say they don't want the night to end so early and suggest watching a movie at your or their place, during the movie both of you want it and can sense the desire, than where is the shame?... oh, wait I’m forgetting about religion aren't I? Well in that case, it’s evil and you will burn for it. Period.

BTW, practice safe sex boys and girls.

Side: False