
Debate Info

Keep it traditional Do something different
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:23
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 Keep it traditional (3)
 Do something different (14)

Debate Creator

Axmeister(4311) pic

Your funeral...

Imagine if you're 80 and decide to plan your funeral (why you'ld want to do that is beyond me) would you keep it traditional(don't ask me what traditional is) or do something different , if the latter then what kind of funeral will it be? what music would you have etc.

Keep it traditional

Side Score: 4

Do something different

Side Score: 19
2 points

I'll probably keep it tradtional as they're more expensive, in fact make it as costly as possible (to ensure that my descendants don't make attempts to kill me for my money).

Side: Keep it traditional

I would keep it traditional and have it be as celebration other than a funeral.

Side: Keep it traditional
1 point

I will go with traditional . I am suffering from cancer and therefore doing pre-planning of my funeral with Funeral director so that they can fulfill all my wishes & can provide all the arrangements the way I want .

Supporting Evidence: Unity funerals (
Side: Keep it traditional
2 points

If I did decide to do something else I'ld have this music playing:

Burial- "Another one bites the dust"

Cremated-"Burn baby Burn"

Side: Do something different
2 points

To be honest, I don't care what they do. Because I'll be dead, what do I care?

Side: Do something different
1 point

You don't mind what people do with you're dead body. What if they chuck it into the sea?

Side: Do something different
2 points

I'm not using it, maybe it'll feed some animals or something. Go to good use.

Side: Do something different
1 point

I completely agree with that.... put my body out on the curb on garbage day for all I care.

Side: Do something different
2 points

XD Exactly, but I prefer the feeding animal one. >_> Be useful, you know?

Side: Do something different
2 points

After I'm cremated, I just have one request for a song...Black Sabbath's Electric Funeral. Then everyone can party, play whatever music they want, and get drunk. I would rather they celebrate my life rather than mourn my death.

Side: Do something different

Do simething different, because really I like everything to stand out. I want people to remember me.

Side: Do something different
1 point

At my funeral, everyone attending is dressing up like they're from the Victorian Era, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Side: Do something different
1 point

Nothing is best for me... I'm dead, who cares... actually maybe a big party so all my friends can get drunk and talk about all my drunk stories!

Side: Do something different
1 point

I will be cremated and then scattered all over the place .

Side: Do something different
1 point

It will not make a difference to me, so I leave it to whomever survives me. Given that I do not associate with "traditional" folks, I anticipate shenanigans.

Side: Do something different