
Debate Info

women can go out work women cannot go out work
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 women can go out work (4)

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varunmj2050(8) pic

does going out and working by women break tradition and rules?

women and said that going out and working is against the tradition they are meant to stay at home cook and nature their children and it has become a very big issue and is still being carried on so lets see the 21st century view espcially of 2013 what do u say?

women can go out work

Side Score: 4

women cannot go out work

Side Score: 0
1 point

Only in the mind of sexist men.

Side: women can go out work
varunmj2050(8) Clarified
1 point

@Cuaroc your point should be the other side as if the men is sexiest he would not allow his wife to go and work means he would tell her it breaks tradition

Side: women can go out work
zephyr20x6(2386) Clarified
1 point

Traditional can be different to different people though. In his opinion it may not break tradition, where in their opinion it does. The sides say women should or should not go out to work, not whether or not it is tradition thus he is arguing that they should.

Side: women can go out work

Traditions schmaditions, it is traditional for women to not work in the sense that we have traditionally not been allowing it. I don't see who it is harming for women to work, as for cooking and caring for the kids, the husband and wife can do a little bit of both.

Side: women can go out work

Of course they can work. But I bet it was nice to live in a world where a single income was enough.

Side: women can go out work
1 point

Sure, for some people having women in the workforce is traditions and rules, but those traditions and rules or outdated and it is the way of traditions to evolve or be left behind.

Side: women can go out work
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