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 duncers world peace protest!!!! (12)

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duncers world peace protest!!!!

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5 points

I think IF (and only if) people are willing to make peace with everyone, then this could happen and i'd be all for it.

but right now, i'm not even willing to make peace with the last person that pissed me off, so i'll just be for it, not entirely though.

Side: peace with a loophole
4 points

I wonder whether John Lennon, the Dali Lama, Jesus, and any number of prophets and saints would support peace via CreateDebate. Doubtful, but Aristotle or Socrates might.

(Wanders off to find a beer, humming Monty Python's "Philsopher Drinking Song")

Side: All you need is CD
2 points

i belive we need world peace so i made my little createdebate protest =)

Side: All you need is CD
2 points

We sure do but the way things are going I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Side: peace
1 point

we could protest in the nude =)

Side: peace

Yeah! Fighting for peace is like making love for virginity. One has nothing to do with the other but it's more fun ;)

Side: peace
1 point


Side: peace
1 point

how about a gun? cause that's the only piece that can bring true peace.

Side: Peace Through Superior Fire Power
duncer(418) Disputed
1 point

your wrong

use a bloody nuke!!!!

Side: Peace Through Superior Fire Power
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
2 points

the problem with nukes is they create radiation which isn't so great.

Side: Peace Through Superior Fire Power
1 point

how about making a virus that killes every 1 then its world peace =)

Side: Peace Through Superior Fire Power

Folks, folks, peace is the answer. There has been so much war and so much death in our history, and that won't get us anywhere. Think of it this way: We want to get into outer space, right? We don't want to be stuck here forever until the noxious gasses in our atmosphere kill us, right? So say the U.S. builds a rocket that can propel us out of the solar system and into another one within a couple of years, Earth time. Great, right? We're going to launch it, but oh, that's too bad. Somebody comes and attacks us with nuclear missiles. That's a shame. The rocket is destroyed and we spend another year building another one, and another trillion dollars building another one. WHEN WAR IS GOING ON, ADVANCEMENTS IN THINGS THAT MATTER ARE NOT MADE!!! It's as simple as that, folks.

Side: peace