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 electronic media is a leading cause for violence (3)

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TRap(18) pic

electronic media is a leading cause for violence

From my perspective, electronic media is a leading cause for violence, because it is nowadays very much connected to the society. Whatever there is in the electronic media, it goes to the society. Media is violated by political influences, journalists, uneducated internet users and so on.

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Society may have a negative impact on us, just like you said. But society is where we live, and we depend on society. And it's media is forced upon us for their own good. - How would you accomplish your job placement if it was your job to manage the world's media? I presume you would do it as good as you possibly can. - And even when we speak that electronic is the cause of violence, it should be the same for Create Debate.

I personally think that we adapted to society. But one thing which bothers me in society are citizens. From them that media actualizes and becomes what you might so despise.

2 points

I think it is just as plausible to say that electronic media reflects violence. Without offering proof either way, you have the familiar problem of which came first: chicken or the egg? In truth, they probably mutually reinforce each other.

I would be far more likely to attribute violence to human nature, economics, politics, government, and prejudice/hatred than to the media.

1 point

"How would you accomplish your job placement if it was your job to manage the world's media? I presume you would do it as good as you possibly can."

One may do a job for earnings. He's paid for his service. Is journalism only a job? According to my point of view the journalist is a great artist, who can change the society. Why don't they try? He shouldn't be influenced by others or even by himself.

Were I a journalist, I would do my best to the betterment of the society.

"And even when we speak that electronic is the cause of violence, it should be the same for Create Debate."

I'm with you on this but as I mentioned before, if there are people who have little knowledge in 'Create Debate', they might follow wrong ideas in it and some others may also follow them. It's harmful. We should be intelligent enough to get what is there in 'Create Debate' or to refuse.

"But one thing which bothers me in society are citizens.

Journalists are not another group of people, they're also a part of the society or else the citizens.

Our educational system should be included some kind of activities to inform the society from their childhood, how to get what's good or to refuse the useless.