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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:13
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 yes (5)
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computer1(8) pic

is it ok to be gay?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 3
1 point
Side: yes

Of course it is. Is it okay to be from another country besides America?

Side: yes

Of course it is. Being gay is not a choice, that is a fact and only an incredibly dumb person would say otherwise.

Side: yes

Gay is good! People should be proud of themselves. There is nothing wrong with being gay.

Side: yes

No it's not.

1. You get ridiculed by a large portion of society for it.

3. I heard that gay people spread aids.

+. You can't have babies.

Potato. It's hard to get murriage benefits and you wind up bitching about.

Side: no
1 point

For example if you were gay, I wouldn't hate you for liking something I don't. - And what's wrong when the majority opposes something trues for you? I am an embarrassment in my school, and only I can have that pride in saying, "screw ye!"

Side: yes