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 prove that man = woman (3)

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ANJ2kill(304) pic

prove that man = woman

use anyway you like but peove it

the one whos answer i like most, you are getting your best gift of life

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1 point

Man = Penis

Woman = Vagina

Penis <3 Vagina

Man <3 Woman


Side: Men love Women

The clit looks like a little penis.

The ovaries look like testicles turned inside out.

They both have nips.

Some men have man boobs.

Some women are flat chested.

Some men have long hair.

Some women have short hair.

Some men are queens.

Some women are butch.

Both sexes like a nice ass.

Scientist now think that women have a prostate.

There are documented case of women ejaculating.

Give a man enough estrogen and he'll start turning into a girl.

Give a woman enough testosterone and she'll start turning into a man.

All of these things mean that we are a lot closer to each other than we might think.

Side: Men love Women
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

Lol.. no. We're really not as close as you say. nuh uh. Just because we're the same species (technically, not emotionally) doesn't mean anything.

Side: Men love Women